New Minnesota gun law


New member
Has anyone heard anything about a new law in minnesota that a home owner be fired upon before using deadly force against an intruder?

No...when is that new? I live in MN also and have NEVER heard of a crazy law like that. Where did you hear of this new law? There isn't a stand your ground or castle doctrine but there isn't anything this crazy! Hmm 6 posts...hope I'm not feeding the troll, he joined in June...that's a LONG time for only 6 posts lol
As Minnesota laws stand right now, you have a "duty to retreat" before resorting to deadly force, particularly when outside of your home. The MN legislature was considering legislation last year that would have done away with that requirement, but my understanding is that it has not yet yet been passed in the state senate and signed by the governor.

Here is a link to a site that explains the MN duty to retreat: Self-Defense in Minnesota Criminal Defenses
Law or not, if an armed a-hole breaks into my house he's getting a bullet if he doesn't turn around and break his way back out fast. I highly doubt a person would have to wait to be fired upon first in their own home.

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