Mr. Coyote gets to live


New member
So there I was, not to far NW of Rock Creek, sitting on the north edge of a bean field. I was next to a fence and part way under a tree, waiting for Mr. Deer to come along so I could do a little Deer whacking.. I see movement on the far side of the field.

I see movement again, now I am thinking Mr. Deer is making his appearance. I whipped up the binoculars’ to take a look. So far I am only seeing what I think is the top of deer antlers hopping along. As I watch… disappointment. It was only old Mr. Coyote hopping along catching field mice. I sat very, very still and Mr. Coyote got within 20 feet of me before he noticed me.

He froze and stared at me. I made a small movement and he took off. I know coyotes can be fast but not that fast! His lucky day he was not on my menu.

A little later I saw him coming back the way he came from but in the neighbors field. Most healthy looking coyote I ever saw too.

I mentioned the incident to the land owner, my wife’s son, and he was amazed the old Mr. Coyote got so close, I was too! Told me he would rather have me shoot the skunks, raccoons and coyote’s than the deer.

Oh yea. I didn’t see any deer all day. But that is another story.

I dont know about that JJ,theres a certian Chinese resteraunt here at home ,,,,, But I have to agree with Pascal. I hate coyotes.
We've had some aggressive one's over at the farm we have. They think in the past , when "wild dogs" were an issue over there... that some inter-breeding may have occurred and they lost some of their fear of humans. Whatever the case, after witnessing some of the aggressiveness.... I 'm always prepared now to drop them if it becomes necessary.