McAuliffe: 'I'm Going to Push' for More Gun Control if Elected VA Governor


Active member
by Tony Lee 25 Sep 2013

On Wednesday, Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, said he would "push" for more gun control if he is elected governor in a debate with Republican Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

McAuliffe invoked the Washington Navy Yard, Aurora, and Newtown tragedies and asked, "How many people have to be killed until we wake up to have sensible gun ownership?"

He said he was "dismayed with United States Senate this year" for not bringing up a bill which was co-sponsored by Sens. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) that would have mandated universal background checks.

"As governor, I'm going to push," McAuliffe said. "We need universal background checks for everyone to keep our loved ones safe."

Cuccinelli mentioned that McAuliffe was the only candidate among the six running statewide who has received an "F" grade from the NRA. After the Colorado recall of State Senators John Morse and Angela Giron, McAuliffe vowed to bring Colorado-style gun control laws to Virginia.

In addition, McAuliffe reportedly met with outgoing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at the end of August. Bloomberg gave $350,000 to his Mayors Against Illegal Guns group to back the two Colorado state senators who were recalled. Bloomberg also called Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, on two occasions before he signed the gun control legislation into law that ultimately led to the recall of Morse and Giron.

McAuliffe: 'I'm Going to Push' for More Gun Control if Elected VA Governor

I volunteer campaign for the republican ticket in Virginia at the gun shows. I talk to many "libertarians" that say they won't vote for cuccinelle on a bet. They seem to think that a vote for the libertarian is the only thing they can do. Well no it isn't. After voting for the libertarian just start throwing out you 2a rights. Do it quickly too as you won't want to be caught with your illegal magazines once macawful is elected. Folks...the libertarian candidate won't win a prize in a box of cracker jacks. You will start to lose your 2a rights win you throw the election to macawful for some dumbass principle that you can't even define. I have had debates ith libertarians and they are simply libtards of a different color because once thy start losing the debate they start the insults and name calling just like libtards. If you are a libtard in different color let me know nd I will buy your firearms before macawful takes them away!
First let me state I don't belong to ANY political party.

You certainly must have a different batch of Libertarians than I have met. I spoken with and listened to Libertarians for a long time and have yet to hear them resort to name calling. They believe in the Constitution more than most Republicans or Democrats do. The fact that so few people are willing to get on the Constitutional bandwagon for fear of losing to the other big party is much of why the Libertarian Party can't grow to to point of getting a serious place in American politics.

The lesser of two evils is still evil and I see a lot of that in each of the two major parties.
You must have been absent from my last confrontation with a libertarian. Go to a gun show and you will meet a mess of them screeching at the thought of cuccenelli wanting to prevent them from getting a god damned abortion. They want to kill unborn babies far more than they want their guns. Oh yes...they are girls boys that hurl insults as soon as they run out of ideas.
A New Yorkers warning to Virginia Gun Owners.
Like it or not! because of Bloombergs money your gun ownership is now in danger. It has become political!
He owns McAuliffe.
You can listen to the lesser of two evil crap and stay home on election day or you can get organized and vote against the anti's.
If you choose option A) and stay home, you had better prepare to turn in your guns. If you choose Option B and defeat the prick then you win. if you can't defeat him, you atleast tried and it is time for option C.
McAuliffe is banking on the fact that you will stay at home on election day.
You must have been absent from my last confrontation with a libertarian. Go to a gun show and you will meet a mess of them screeching at the thought of cuccenelli wanting to prevent them from getting a god damned abortion. They want to kill unborn babies far more than they want their guns. Oh yes...they are girls boys that hurl insults as soon as they run out of ideas.

You are right, I was absent from your last confrontation with a libertarian. I've yet to have a confrontation with a libertarian. I know most Libertarians are pro-choice and that is where I am most in disagreement with them. However, I have a friend who is an FFL holder and holds a position in his county Libertarian office. He is anti-abortion.

I have been to gun shows and have yet to experience the Libertarians pushing abortions any more than they pushed for gun rights. And I still have yet to experience any Libertarians hurling insults when (if) they ran out of ideas. I have certainly seen and heard left wingers acting as you describe and, sorry but this is true, occasionally, a few conservatives tossing the insults when their arguments fell flat.

Don't place everybody who has a certain belief or viewpoint in the same bucket. I'll bet that there is SOMETHING that you believe that some politician (who you despise) also believes.
You are right, I was absent from your last confrontation with a libertarian. I've yet to have a confrontation with a libertarian. I know most Libertarians are pro-choice and that is where I am most in disagreement with them. However, I have a friend who is an FFL holder and holds a position in his county Libertarian office. He is anti-abortion.

I have been to gun shows and have yet to experience the Libertarians pushing abortions any more than they pushed for gun rights. And I still have yet to experience any Libertarians hurling insults when (if) they ran out of ideas. I have certainly seen and heard left wingers acting as you describe and, sorry but this is true, occasionally, a few conservatives tossing the insults when their arguments fell flat.

Don't place everybody who has a certain belief or viewpoint in the same bucket. I'll bet that there is SOMETHING that you believe that some politician (who you despise) also believes.

Like I were conspicuously absent from the last debate I had with a libertarian. They are all the same...NO CORE VALUES. Perhaps your problem is you don't resent that statement but perhaps you resemble that statement.
A New Yorkers warning to Virginia Gun Owners.

You can listen to the lesser of two evil crap and stay home on election day or you can get organized and vote against the anti's.

I never suggested staying home. Those who do vote for the lesser of two evils are simply telling the politicians they vote for to keep on doing whatever it is that they disagree with. Vote for the person who will actually act in the manner that you would want to if you held the office. The more people that have the guts to 'waste' their vote this way, the sooner it will gain traction and have some meaning.

The real wasted vote is the one given to somebody you don't really want in office.

Like I were conspicuously absent from the last debate I had with a libertarian. They are all the same...NO CORE VALUES. Perhaps your problem is you don't resent that statement but perhaps you resemble that statement.

You are putting all Libertarians in the same bucket again. The Libertarian gentleman I mentioned in an earlier post is a regular, church going Christian. So maybe I don't understand what you mean by core values. Please enlighten me.
Virginian's were duped once again. Congratulations. Many voted for a 'libertarian' who was funded by democrats in order to make sure Cuccinelli - a constitutionalist - didn't win. Surprise: Obama Bundler Bankrolling Libertarian in VA Governor's Race - Katie Pavlich

The problem isn't that too many Virginians were duped, too many are just Liberals. What was the excuse when Kaine kept getting elected? He was the most veto happy, 'I don't care what the people want' governor i've ever seen. People voted for him knowing what he was, and then sent him to Congress. To me, they voted for McAuliffe the same way. Liberal, not Libertarian.

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