Lowe's Hardware Store Prank

Glad to see that you have assesed my entire psyche through a few posts on the internet. It's just words on a screen.

As to gay men, I'm sure there are manlier gay men out there than I am. This particular sales associate was not. He knew nothing about miter saws, since he told me as much. He was not qualified to be selling power tools in a hardware store. Please re-read my post, specifically, this quote:

PascalFleischman said:
I went to Lowes because the guy couldn't sufficiently help with the information I needed to buy a saw that best suited me.

and what a "destructive" prank it was.. I mean really. the amount of time and energy that a poor worker must have spent turning a couple signs back around (if they even noticed). I'll bet they'd rather do that than clean up after some 10 year old's store prank. seriously... what was the harm done?