I was detained at School Today *UPDATE- Police Report is here - NO WARRANT NO PC*

I knew better than to read this.:mad:
I can't believe this story is even true.
What a waste of Law Enforcement if that is what you call it.
BTW what happened to the so called informant?
Supplying false information is punishable is it not?
A lot fewer calls like this would be generated if the informants were held liable for false info.
I knew better than to read this.:mad:
I can't believe this story is even true.
What a waste of Law Enforcement if that is what you call it.
BTW what happened to the so called informant?
Supplying false information is punishable is it not?
A lot fewer calls like this would be generated if the informants were held liable for false info.

Well I don't think they even care about the false info. Could you imagine if the informant went to the newspaper and said that charges were being brought up on her for providing false information. She would say I know what I saw and I was afraid for my life and afraid that it was going to be another VT all over again. The media would eat this up and make a public circus of the PD and District Attorney.

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