How many more of these mass shootings til..


New member
So another today in Oregon...most always in a "gun free" zone or area that lawful concealed carry permit holders are restricted from being armed on, to me it's quite simply a welcome sign for terror! These sick cowards know that these places are going to provide them the most opportunity because federal buildings, banks and such are more likely to have armed opposition to their assault. Lawful permit holders aren't commiting these acts, so why won't these "Gun Free" zones just finally be lifted?! Just about every 3 weeks one is happening and it's got me thinking and wondering, could there be a tipping point soon for the Anti-Gunners to get all this crazy legislation that we are hearing about such as UBC'S etc, hell even certain types of guns being straight up banned? Should us law abiding, concealed permit holders/gun owners be worried at all of our gun rights being restricted or even stripped from us? Or will our 2nd amendment always protect us in this aspect? All this absolute sickness, these crazy evil murdering nut there a chance they could ruin it all for us?!

The percentage of these mass shootings is an extremely minute percentage when related to the amount of guns/gun owners in the USA. Anti gun groups and the general public who are non gun owners (sheeple) have a school of thought where they perceive ALL gun owners who are not police to be a hostile threat at the extreme, a simple threat at the very least. There's no reasoning with them. They will never consider "what you allow is what will continue" for a nanosecond! Even if a school shooting happened everyday for the next 5 years straight they'd never change that law!

Looks like another kooky nut that was single, without kids ( stated at 26yo he was a virgin ), lived with his mom and had a "Command Post" in the basement that finally snapped.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims' friends and families.

To the victims: RIP and a speedy recovery to the survivors.

Kooky nut?????? Based on what I have read today he was a Muslim sympathizer and wanted to kill Christians. Even read that he may have been on a government watch list, however I can't confirm that as fact. Not yet anyways. I will agree with you Sten in that my thoughts go out to the families of the victims of this merciless act as well.
POETIC JUSTICE is alive and well and here to stay.

"What Good Fortune For Governments That The people Do Not Think"
- Adolph Hitler -​

Looks like another right-wing hater that was a SMW w/out children ( thank God! ) that lived with his mom and had a "Command Post" that finally snapped when the hate became more than he could handle.

Once again the system failed to stop a kooky nut with all the signs from going on a shooting spree.

RIP to the victims and keep their friends and families in our thoughts and prayers.

The shooter was of mixed race. Let's not get facts in the way of stereotypes, I guess.
The shooter was of mixed race. Let's not get facts in the way of stereotypes, I guess.

Well, he was exactly as "mixed" as the "first black President, Barry Dunham Soetero Barack Hussein Obama," and there is a cyber-trail of him being sympathetic to the most extreme stuff coming out of the "Black Lives Matter" and musloid crowds too.

Some facts from Stench and his ilk, as well as the media, would be kinda nice, don't you guess?

My point wasn't to highlight any stereotype, but to expose Stench's extreme ignorance in yet another in an uncountable line of posts where he seeks to stereotype all of us, only this time he did it by trying to compare us to a mass murderer (SWM living in his mom's basement blah blah blah).

Indeed, we should all focus more on facts, and that's a statement, not a guess.


My post was not directed at you. I agreed with your post.

There is always the chance that ''they'' could ruin it all for us. "They'' (the antigun crowd) have been aspiring to that goal for decades. Fortunately there are now cases (Heller l and II, MacDonald) that affirm our 2A rights, but the Bloomberg funded morons will always be there looking for another way to eliminate our rights. Nature of the beast.

Unfortunately, these incidents (and other mass slayings using weapons other than firearms) are part of the risk that we all assume living in a (relatively) free society. The sheeple have confused the instrument (guns being the most popular) for the cause, which is the dark side of human nature, of these incidents. They see "gun free" zones as the answer when in fact they are the problem as they are essentially an advertised low-risk killing ground where the bad guy(s) know they will encounter a minimum of armed resistance during the execution of their plans until safety forces arrive. Have you ever noticed that these types never go into a police station, gun store, or other venue where being armed is not prohibited?

There is a reason for that.