How guns gets to street illegally, Mayors Against Illegal Guns take note

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This is how guns gets on the street illegally, not through made up gun show loopholes as you mayors claim


Greed and drugs make criminals not hard working, honest, law abiding citizens. I really think that point is getting across mainstream America but not the socialist anti America crowd.
No, no, no!

This is not the way illegal guns get to the street, it simple isn't. Mayor Bloomberg says that its those lousy Southern gun shops and gun shows --- and he ought to know, he's violated state and federal laws to prove it. Everyone knows this so why do people keep trying to confuse the issue with these meaningless stories of theft.

No, no, no! Do you hear me, no!

Even UPS says that it can not stop its own employees from stealing them so we charge you more to ship over night.
I'm wondering why the judge allowed them to be released on bond. And we wonder why criminals return to a life of crime when they get released. It's because judge like this one feel that the criminal justice is not there to punish people, but to "rehabilitate" them, and if they are not being sufficiently rehabilitated, then they should be let back out into society.

All he's going to to while he's out is sell more of the guns that he had not yet sold when he first got captured. This proves what we gun owners have known all along. We don't need more gun control; we need to enforce the laws that are already on the books and harshly punish those who break the law. Releasing gun thieves on $200,000 bond won't cut it.
And here I thought that criminals bought their guns by passing background checks and took NRA classes. Michael Bloomberg told me so.

All he's going to to while he's out is sell more of the guns that he had not yet sold when he first got captured.
Well, how else do you expect him to pay his lawyers?

That's funny!
these two need to be charged with asserery charges for every crime that can be linked to the stolen guns that these two sold. if one of the stolen guns was used in a murder, then these two get murder charges also, if the stolen guns where linked to armed roberys then these two get the arned robery charges. may be that get some others to think twice about selling stolen guns