Charge sought against 12-year-old boy in pellet gun shooting


New member
I realize that this doesn't have a lot to do with OC or CC but it does have to do with guns. A pellet gun was almost the murder weapon for this little boy. Evidently it entered his heart but luckily he is going to be OK. I happened near my house in one of the nicer neighborhoods in town. A 12 year old does not realize the danger of a pellet gun. I remember when I was about that age a friend of mine had a pellet go into his thigh and was stopped by the bone. I don't remember if they removed it or not but it did put im out of commission for a while.

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Hopefully common sense will prevail. 12 year old should be punished and beat butt good and taught a good lesson and hopefully understand for the rest of his life he did something really really stupid and his parents should be held accountable for all this too... but serious criminal charges really won't accomplish much in my opinion.