AZ Rancher Murdered by Mexican Terrorists


Dodge this.
I'm shocked there's no mention of this here yet. Shamelessly crossposting from "Off Topic".

I posted this on Facebook and sent it out as an email to everybody in my address book. Please do the same.

Friends - I am writing this to encourage you to flood your US and state congressional representatives and governors with this message - THIS STOPS NOW. Please do your part as citizens to make a difference and affect some change.

If you need some background on what prompted this letter, here is a link to the original story:
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This is not just an Arizona issue, it is effects all US citizens.
This is not a race issue, it effects all races, even Latinos legally in the US.
This is not a left or right, Republican or Democrat issue, it is a national security issue.

To find your US congressman, use this tool, based on your address:
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To find your Arizona state representative, use this tool:
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Send them this letter or one similar in your own words:

Representative <NAME> and/or Governor <NAME> :

In any other country, the acts committed on the Krentz' ranch in southern AZ would have been seen as an act of war and a response would have been expected. Since the murder of Mr. Krentz by Mexican militants on his property, on US soil, and on Arizona soil, and since it is for what our military is purely intended:

I and my fellow citizens propose deployment of National Guard troops to the border. I propose manned checkpoints every five miles with ATV patrols in between, and those fancy million dollar UAV drones to cover from above. We demand that no man, woman, or child gets through the border illegally. Not one.

This stops now.

I further propose deployment of regular Army troops along our border to supplement and rotate National Guard troops, not to police our own citizens, but to protect our borders from further invasion and attack. The border must be a one-way sieve.

Our governments have one primary obligation, that is to protect its citizens from foreign invasion. It has failed miserably in the case of the border with Mexico. We have been invaded, one man at a time. You all don't need to be reminded that you took an oath to carry out that protection. How many US citizens must die before something decisive is done?


Your post is well organized and specific. In fact, I’m sure a lot of folks may agree with your proposed intent. However, you may want to lose the bottom banner statement for a lot of good reasons.
"The assassin killed Krentz and his dog before scampering across the Mexican border, according to authorities on the scene."
Nobody knows for sure if the perp was a mexican terrorist, or an illegal immigrant.
I think that fact should be firmly established before escalation.

Barry does not wish to upset his hispanic friends. I doubt if the Feds are going to do anything more then they are doing. Little Bush didn't do much to stem the tide.

Perhaps, if employment of illegals enforced, we would not have problems along the border. The gob-ment is allowing this situation to exist at the requst of business leaders.(mostly republicans) Imigrants always have made the best low paid employees for several well known reasons.
Well, yeah I guess it might make sense that most businesses would be owned by Republicans - they work. But I'd like to know if that's really accurate. Seems to me that those with the most money and access in this country are the Hollywood types, the Rockefellers, Kennedys, rock stars, etc.
We're Off Course

Your post is well organized and specific. In fact, I’m sure a lot of folks may agree with your proposed intent. However, you may want to lose the bottom banner statement for a lot of good reasons.

The tagline about secession at the far bottom of my post wasn't included in the letter, if that's what you're implying Saber. That is my signature on this forum only.

The government (and much of the citizenship including yourself it would seem) seems to think the government rules the people, and that that's how it's supposed to be. The truth is, the government is of, by and for the people. When it ceased to become those things decades ago (possibly 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created), the people folded and are now slaves to the government, its power, and its debt. It has come down to an "us and them" scenario. Our Constitution guarantees us (the people) the right to take back our government if it goes off course. The problem is, some powerful elite oligarchs have been steering it off course incrementally, over generations, thus making it hard to see because the subtle changes from one presidency to the next become the acceptable norm.

Are you doing your part to keep us free?

Calling it like I see it. :sarcastic:
Just so you folks know, the Sheriff’s Office and BP are circulating a person of interest poster down here. The PI is from Agua Preta, Sonora. The story so far is that he is wanted in connection with a string of B&E’s and Robberies in this area. One the side the LEO’s told me that he is the prime suspect in the killing of Krentz.


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