Arkansas: Gun Destruction Bill to be Considered by the House


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Arkansas: Gun Destruction Bill to be Considered by the House

House Bill 2162, introduced by state Representative Eddie Armstrong (D-37), seeks to allow the destruction of any firearms that have been seized by law enforcement in Arkansas. Current law stipulates that all unclaimed seized property, with only minor exceptions, be sold at public auction. HB 2162 would not only allow for seized firearms to be destroyed (currently not part of the exceptions), but would also allow only Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders or another law enforcement agency to acquire any firearms that are not destroyed but allowed to be sold. HB 2162 passed in of the House Judiciary Committee yesterday, and could be considered on the House floor as early as Monday, March 25.

It is imperative you contact your state Representative IMMEDIATELY and urge her or him to vote against this anti-gun legislation.

Please remind your state Representative that firearms are legal products, and in the hands of law-abiding citizens, pose no threat to the general public. Please also let your state Representative know that during these difficult economic times, the state should not be encouraging the destruction of items that could produce revenue for local governments.

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