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  1. T

    H.r. 822

    For the 16th year the national CWP is back on the table with some new hope. Don't miss the opportunity to contact your legislator for a yes vote. I'm even going to contact Boxer, and Fienstine.
  2. T

    H.r. 822

    For the 16th year the national CWP is back on the table with some new hope. Don't miss the opportunity to contact your legislator for a yes vote.
  3. T

    Carrying Firearms across states

    Time out Does this mean that I can expect a criminal to honor my call of a time out while I get my gun from the safe, get in the trunk for the ammo and then load up? May as well carry a rock. Or are they regulated also. Settle for no less than the 2A!!!!!
  4. T

    New gun shoots low

    an anyone tell me if it is unusual for an automatic pistol to shool six inches low at about 25 feet. I bought a Bersa 380 about a month ago and have fired a couple of hundred rounds through it. The pistol has windage adjustment, but no elevation adjustments. Been to Vietnam, and know about guns.
  5. T

    New, but not guns

    I found this site from my congressmans' representative. Kevin McKarthy is about the best thing going for California and the 2A. I travel from coast to coast in my motor home to see my children and obtained the UT CCW because it is honored in most of the states. With terrorist activity in who...