Many years as a medic running 911 I came to rely/befriend many M.P.'s. Without their ability to clear a way to a casualty we couldn't do Jack! Done a lot of combined ops with 95B's & CID, DEA, DIA and local cops where there was more gun-play than a combat zone with some very evil nothing to lose BG's, and I owe my life to the quick wits & reactions of several good trained Military Police.
You live in a place I once spent time my off duty having fun time in and 2 years serving at Ft.Lewis/9th I.D. my 1st duty post as a medic 80-82 after reenlisting out of being a frigging Combat Engineer in Germany mid 70's Cold War 'fun' always deployed, VOLAR tough duty. Came back in as a medic & seen some of the best rock groups in the Seattle King Dome (heard it is gone now, shame if true). Be my eyes/G2 on the west side of this state and I will keep you up to speed on what CCW spins out here in Spokane, as in infequent private e-mails thru USA Carry, not constant e-mails. Not looking for pen-pals just anything hot I catch with Vets and Guns like the new pres taking ours away mabe U will get a flash send 'K?
Your post about open carry is one I only hope becomes a norm here. I choose my friends carfully, I think you rate as a good guy. If you ever want a say in Vets and Guns you are in 'K?
My life story is here/long read!