Renewal Question, then, bill question


New member
My permit is up for renewal this year. Shall I wait for the envelope in the snail mail or can we now renew online by chance? Didn't see any renewal information other than the cost.

Second, I would like to follow the progress of a bill I heard about that would make our CT Permit as well as other states individual permits be good in ALL STATES that allow CC. Can anyone help me out on this?

Thank you.


I don't know about your second question but as far as your first question, here in Virginia we don't get a renewal notice in the mail telling us it's time to renew. It is our responsibility to renew it on our own and I believe we can apply for renewal about 2 months prior to expiration. If you let it expire (like I did) you have to go thru the whole process again. (Application process thru the courthouse, finger printing at the police station and waiting to get approved again-45 days max)

Needless to say I won't forget to renew on time next time.
For CT renewals:

Special Licensing and Firearms
Connecticut State Pistol Permit

Pistol Permit Renewals
Ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of your permit, the issuing authority will mail out a renewal letter to your last known address. The law requires that you notify the issuing authority within 48 hours of changing your address. Upon receipt of the renewal letter you can proceed to either the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit (SLFU) main office at State Police Headquarters, 1111 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT or the satellite location set up at Troop G in Bridgeport to process your renewal. Effective October 1, 2011 per Public Act 11-186 you may also mail in your renewals. Instructions for renewal by mail can be obtained in the link below. If you appear in person an updated photo and your signature will be collected. You are required to bring positive photo identification with you. Directions to these facilities and business hours are posted below. The cost of renewing a state pistol permit is $70.00 payable to the Treasuer, State of Connecticut in the form of a check or money order. Applicants must provide that they are legally and lawfully in the United States, such as a birth certificate, U.S. Passport or Naturalization papers. Legal Alien Residents must provide Alien Registration numbers and 90-day proof of residency. Please use link for additional instructions: DPS-769-C Instructions to Applicants & Photo Pistol Permit Schedule

If you lose your renewal letter or fail to receive a letter in the mail, you may obtain a replacement form by clicking on renewal application below before going to a renewal location. State pistol permit holders are granted a 90 grace period to renew their permit. Permits expired beyond 90 days will not be renewed.

For the second part of your question. HR 822 was passed in the House and now needs to get thru the Senate. Don't hold your breath as the Democrat controlled Senate has no plans to bring it up. Some how we need some of our Senate allies to get it brought up.
Many Thanks...


Thank you so much for all the information. I know if I had the time at home to read my NRA publications I would have much better and up to date
information regarding the political scene.

I will go ahead and print the renewal form and go to the Middletown office again. It's worth the trip to know it's done correctly. If I put this off towards the expiration date this year it's liable to get lost in the shuffle of my chaotic life between work and home.

Thank you again for the help.

a.k.a Seldomseen

Special Licensing and Firearms
Connecticut State Pistol Permit

Pistol Permit Renewals
Ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of your permit, the issuing authority will mail out a renewal letter to your last known address. The law requires that you notify the issuing authority within 48 hours of changing your address. Upon receipt of the renewal letter you can proceed to either the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit (SLFU) main office at State Police Headquarters, 1111 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT or the satellite location set up at Troop G in Bridgeport to process your renewal. Effective October 1, 2011 per Public Act 11-186 you may also mail in your renewals. Instructions for renewal by mail can be obtained in the link below. If you appear in person an updated photo and your signature will be collected. You are required to bring positive photo identification with you. Directions to these facilities and business hours are posted below. The cost of renewing a state pistol permit is $70.00 payable to the Treasuer, State of Connecticut in the form of a check or money order. Applicants must provide that they are legally and lawfully in the United States, such as a birth certificate, U.S. Passport or Naturalization papers. Legal Alien Residents must provide Alien Registration numbers and 90-day proof of residency. Please use link for additional instructions: DPS-769-C Instructions to Applicants & Photo Pistol Permit Schedule

If you lose your renewal letter or fail to receive a letter in the mail, you may obtain a replacement form by clicking on renewal application below before going to a renewal location. State pistol permit holders are granted a 90 grace period to renew their permit. Permits expired beyond 90 days will not be renewed.

For the second part of your question. HR 822 was passed in the House and now needs to get thru the Senate. Don't hold your breath as the Democrat controlled Senate has no plans to bring it up. Some how we need some of our Senate allies to get it brought up.[/QUOTE]
No problem. For a good resource on the firearm laws try this site. You can get a lot of info here on things like reciprocity on links to other state resources for non-resident permits. If you travel a lot getting a non-resident permit from Florida or Utah will allow you to carry in more areas.
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I have had CT non resident permit since 1996, they mail out a renewal notice and application 90+ before expiration more like 4 months before. I just renewed mine a few weeks ago. I mailed in the renewal form and received my new permit in a week. And I received it before they even cased the check!
HR 822

This bill is still active. This will allow all permits to be recognized by all states except Illinois. It lies in the US SENATE. Call your Senators to support this bill. It overwhelming pass the congress. It was like 274 yays and 140 ?? Nays.