Reading the news online


What website do yall use to get your news? I'm just curious because besides The Blaze, and getting a few chuckles from the slant and comments at the Huffington Post, I haven't found a steady source of news.

I use Google's own news app and Flipboard, plus I subscribe to the tweets of Fox News and Breaking News.

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Usually read through some news on Fox during lunch.

Some radio to and from work and a few minutes of local news on TV in the mornings.

Not much really... Maybe a total of an hour per work day including 45 minute lunch.
My first source is The Drudge Report, then The Blaze and Fox News. I also subscribe to a number of places on twitter to keep up on the news on guns and such. I really do not read, listen or do not pay attention to any to any of the liberal mouth pieces. I did at one time but I found I can no longer tolerant stupidity! If that makes me closed minded then so be it!
There's more truth to my sweaty coin purse than most of what the Blaze reports. When I want news I look out my window to see my Frenchie overweight neighbor donning a goddam speedo between his meaty thighs. That's 'Merica. That's my news.

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Fox news, Seattle Gun Rights Examiner, Gun Rights Examiner, Little Rock Gun Rights Examiner.and News that others here cite too.
I think the consensus here is that we all get our news from a variety of different sources. Me, I have a desktop news feed that gathers headlines from all over the internet. If anything interests me, I either click on it or look it up on Google, Yahoo, AP, or Reuters. Plus Facebook. I get all the important news on there too. I get posts from a lot of right wing, obama haters, and 2nd Amendment rights groups, including this one. has a news link in the header that covers local and national news. Our local news paper has an online version that I hit. The Blaze is entertaining along with HufPo.