Need Help with the State of CT!


New member

I live in one of the, arguably, most liberal gun hating states in the country. Follow the Link posted below to read a brief article on the situation. Mind you that this is a very left oriented media outlet, as well as a local one, they are not the most thorough on the subject. I will also post a letter below that I have sent to the Mayor of the city of New Haven regarding the legally carrying citizen's arrest. I am asking that as many of my fellow Connecticut citizens, and anyone else who feels so inclined, to write as well.

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The short of the story is that this 46yr old Attorney, President of the New Haven Bar Association, was arrested after someone saw his handgun in a movie theater. He went to a 10pm show in a city that is not the safest place after midnight. He was arrested for Breech of Peace and interfering with a Police Officer. No Firearms Violations were charged to this individual. In this case 20 or more police officers arrested this individual at gunpoint in a movie theater. The Mayor of the City, a member of the anti 2A group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, said " just because something is legal does not make it right." Please note that in this city approx 3 months ago, 3 of the cities police officers went out to a bar, exited and fired their service pistols in the streets of the down town area.

Also note that CT is a state that does not mandate concealed or open carry. They issue a permit to carry pistols or revolvers. The idea that they do not specify a manner of carry and include provisions for carry in the general statutes is outlandish.

I do not normally attempt to create a stir, but I can not let this stand. The fact that this mayor, who has had 3-4 shootings with illegal firearms in the last 2 months in his city, thinks that a law abiding citizen should not be able to defend themselves because its not "right" is infuriating.

Here is the letter

"Mayor DeStefano,

It has come to my attention that on Tuesday night Atty Sung H. Hwang was arrested in your city for carrying a legally possessed handgun for his protection, the charge was Breech of Peace, however, everyone knows that the catalyst of the incident was his legally possessed handgun, and current US Events. I am writing you urging you, and your chief of police to drop the charges against this individual.
Your comments in your press release stating that; "Just because something is legal, does not make it right." is off base. We have laws in this state to protect the Second Amendment rights of our citizens. In Mr. Hwang's case he has every right to exercise his right to protect himself in your city. Especially after the many reports of shootings and violent incidents that have plagued your city for the last few months, one of which involved your officers. I understand that you are a member of "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" which would assert that you are for legal guns. This would require you to stand behind a legal citizens 2nd Amendment right to protect himself and will work to enforce the current laws on the books regarding the criminal use of firearms.
I am in no way questioning your officer's response to this incident, in their profession they must use as much caution as will allow them to go home to their families. I only ask that you and Chief Esserman work to establish a policy of officer discretion. A citizen choosing to protect himself at a late night movie in the world we live in is hardly grounds for arrest. I am asking that you and your police services not get caught up in aftermath of the Aurora CO, and Shiek Incidents.

Please be reasonable, a Gun is a tool, no more dangerous than a car. When in the hands of Law Abiding Citizens the gun is an enjoyable recreational tool, as well as a proven self defense method. I am asking that you, and your officers, embrace the Second Amendment in your city; encourage your citizens to exercise their right to protect themselves, and punish those who use a gun for an illegal purpose.

Mike Smith"

Here is the link for the Mayor's E-Mail