Just got my Sneaky Pete Holster


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Got the LCP with pinky extender, which is actually for the 3rd finger not pinky.

Anyway it is awesome, not only looks good but is easy to draw from and it does cover your trigger so you don't grab the trigger when you draw.

I was wishy washy on the belt clip or belt loop, the loop making it closer to your body, and the clip being useful to put over belt loop if it is in your way. I got the loop instead of the clip cause I ended up taking the clip off my current holster and threading it as a loop to get rid of the bulkyness. This is not hidden so I was not sure which way to go.. I Still am not sure if I got the right one. LOL. But either way it is perfect, especially for bikers. we can have our gun handy even with our riding gear on.

When I get the money to get my LC9 I will be ordering one for it. I will let you know if my opinion changes as I use it, but I kinda doubt it will.

Sweet holster I posted few weeks back Asking for opinions on this holster do a search and see ... Anyway I just Purchase a Sig P238 .380 perfect for the Sneaky P holster , just haven't pulled the trigger yet excuse the pun
Yes I would have replied 2 your thread but I couldn't find it again for some reason. It was your original thread that put it on my Christmas money list.
Wish they made then with a fake Apple, BlackBerry may Android logs instead of the SP. It would look more like a cell case but they'd get sued for copyright infingment.
Well I made my decision today and opted for the n82 holster instead of the sneaky Pete ... Main reason was the size of the holster 4-1/2"x5-1/4"x1-1/4" that's pretty big I drew it out on paper then held it to my waist where I would wear it and dang that would have been one big cell phone lol don't get me wrong if I was a motorcycle ride or maybe a long haul trucker or something maybe I would consider it , anyway that's my .02 fwiw
Got the sneaky Pete for my dads lc9 and it works great. It is pretty big, agreed but does work great.
Have been using it for a while now traveled from Kansas City to El Paso. I do wish I had gotten the clip instead of belt loop. But I just couldn't make up my mind.

I got a new belt down here. Nice thick leather. Narrow nuf 4 lady pant loops. Made by Spanish speaking folks.

A guy Dons working with said I would have never thought a gun was in there when my hubby showed him. I said that's the whole point.

No one looks twice at it even with my phone in a case on the other side. Takes a little to get used to carrying out in the open like that but you can get over it. LOL