In Branson Missouri


New member
The large gas station/convenience store on Sheppard of the Hills Parkway in Brason MO, across from the RFD Theater has a sign on the door, "Persons with Firearms are not welcome in this store." I had been to the courthouse and my carry weapon was still locked in the glove box. I went in and told the clerk I was insulted by the sign and would take my business elsewhere. All he said was what he could say which was, "A lot of people have told me that." So if you go to Branson avoid that station. It's by the RFD Theater and IHOP.

Been to Branson many times usually drive and fuel, will make a point of not doing so at this station.
No one at the store cares. If you only frequent stores that welcome weapons there are few places to shop. Perhaps there's no sign, but check the company policy. Almost every business has a no weapons policy.
No one at the store cares. If you only frequent stores that welcome weapons there are few places to shop. Perhaps there's no sign, but check the company policy. Almost every business has a no weapons policy.

Oh contraire' sir. If enough people show they will not spend their money in the business, many times the business will change it's policy and remove the signs. It is at least worth the effort to try.
Oh contraire' sir. If enough people show they will not spend their money in the business, many times the business will change it's policy and remove the signs. It is at least worth the effort to try.
Spent a long time in my own businesses. There aren't enough customers who would boycott to make me change anything. One must understand the reasons why a company adopts such a policy. Insurance rates are lower with a no weapons policy. In the event of an issue having the no-weapons policy improves your position should civil litigation arise. We had the policy but never enforced it. Not even with employees.

So, what do little kids do when you tell them they can't do something? They do it anyway for various reasons. I know a lot of adults who are the same way. Tell them guns are not allowed and they'll bring em in just to see if they can without getting caught.

In my opinion, signs are worthless in many cases. The only sign I ever saw that made sense read like this: "If you break into my store or try to rob us I will shoot your ass."
No one at the store cares. If you only frequent stores that welcome weapons there are few places to shop. Perhaps there's no sign, but check the company policy. Almost every business has a no weapons policy.
"Almost every business has a no weapons policy."? Really, what stores? Where? Here in WA I open carry in all sorts of stores/banks/zoos/grocery stores/etc with no issue. I know most businesses won't allow employees to carry, but not customers. In four years the only place that I've been that has a "no gun policy" is COSTCO (no signs at store, and posted DEEP in their website almost impossible to find).
Sorry, I was referring to internal policy, like for the employees. Some ins carriers will reduce rates where an employee weapons policy is implemented. everyone is trying to reduce their contributory negligence in this litigious world. you put the policy in your employee and contractor handbook. you don't necessarily believe in it or intend to enforce it, but it's still gun control. In NY I've seen only one "no guns" sign in all my years. it was at a branch of HSBC bank (Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corp). I damn well wasn't complying.
Silver Dollar City and the Showboat Branson Belle also are no weapons allowed properties. All of the Herschend family properties are gun free zones. Peter Herschend the family patriarch fought concealed carry in MO and contributed a lot of money trying to prevent it's passage even though he carries himself.

But in comparison most of the theaters do not have signs prohibiting CCW.