If Forced to Move: Gunwise to Which State Would You Go?

My choice would be between Vermont and Arizona, but the fact that one is way too hot and the other is damn near in Canada is holding me back

My choice would be between Vermont and Arizona, but the fact that one is way too hot and the other is damn near in Canada is holding me back

Here is the answer. The area of Arizona stretching 200 miles west to east north of Flagstaff,The Mongollon Rim is high and dry and the heat won't get you. Also the east central area around Heber and Show Low is also quite high, with lush forest areas and huge elk and deer. That is where I'm heading if I ever make the 'Zona move.

A cool map will help you out:

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My choice would be between Vermont and Arizona, but the fact that one is way too hot and the other is damn near in Canada is holding me back

These are the two choices I made.
If you scan back in posts, you'll see that I live in Vermont (Awesome friggin gun loving state), and if forced to leave, I chose Alaska.

Sent from behind Enemy Lines.
I think PA is just fine but according to the question and without much research I was thinking Alaska but I am already cold.
Maybe Vermont. No permission slip needed. We should go and lower the percentage of Libs there.
Being a NYer I have been strongly considering moving over to VT. I really like Portsmouth, NH and the surrounding area also. If i was looking for a climate change I'd prob go for AZ.
I'm surprised we haven't heard from the three "don't need a permit states": AK, AZ, and VT.

Actually the state I'd be in is the state of the elite. Apparently, if you are a member of the elite class, none of the gun laws apply to you.

Oh yeah, my fellow Vermonter and I Mr Morrison,are both here. Yes, we have constitutional carry here. You're a citizen, you are allowed to OC or CC. No reason to leave here.. A super libtard state thanx to NY, CT, and Mass, but the folks in Montpelier know not to mess with those laws. So, I'll stay here, but Utah would probably be a second choice.
Good States

I'm content where I liven rural Iowa. However just for fun I'd say Alaska, Montana, Utah, or South Dakota. I'd also add Arizona but I don't like heat.

For AZ... winters in southern half...summers in the Rim Country.
I'm surprised we haven't heard from the three "don't need a permit states": AK, AZ, and VT.
There's a downside to living in a state that doesn't issue permits - it means it's impossible to be legal carrying a firearm on your person as you drive across most towns because of the federal gun free school zone law. In a sense there's less freedom in Vermont than most other states because of that. I believe AK issues permits if you ask, I don't know about AZ ...

What planet do you reside on?! I carry, as I see fit, through any town and or passed any school with ZERO problems. Law enforcement has already stated that they have no desire to enforce the Feds illegal and unconstitutional 1000 ft school rule.
You obviously DONT live in Vermont. No city, charter, township etc can pass laws restricting firearms that would be considered more restrictive than our state constitution... Period.
That means you can't do squat (and Burlington has tried, Rutland has tried as well as other municipalities) and ALL of their BS "feel good" legislation has been struck down. Period!

2295. Authority of municipal and county governments to regulate firearms, ammunition, hunting, fishing and trapping
Except as otherwise provided by law, no town, city or incorporated village, by ordinance, resolution or other enactment, shall directly regulate hunting, fishing and trapping or the possession, ownership, transportation, transfer, sale, purchase, carrying, licensing or registration of traps, firearms, ammunition or components of firearms or ammunition. This section shall not limit the powers conferred upon a town, city or incorporated village under section 2291(8) of this title. The provisions of this section shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of a municipal charter

(8) To regulate or prohibit the use or discharge, but not possession of, firearms within the municipality or specified portions thereof, provided that an ordinance adopted under this subdivision shall be consistent with section 2295 of this title and shall not prohibit, reduce, or limit discharge at any existing sport shooting range, as that term is defined in 10 V.S.A. § 5227.

“That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the State -- and as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to and governed by the civil power.”

Sent from behind Enemy Lines.
There's a downside to living in a state that doesn't issue permits - it means it's impossible to be legal carrying a firearm on your person as you drive across most towns because of the federal gun free school zone law...

I would think that you would have to actually do something drastic to be charged under this law unless you were open carrying. I haven't heard of anyone being charged only for a breach of this law, but I am no law scholar. From what I read it would be to help ensure that some charge sticks. I think the fact that my gun has "Ruger-Prescott-AZ" on it would nail me on the interstate commerce part...
I'm not here to argue, or talk about state laws, or defend the federal law, I merely stated a truth - that in a state like VT it's not possible to cross most towns with a firearm on your person legally because of the federal law you claim is illegal: 18 U.S.C. § 922(q). Have fun depleting your bank accounts paying a lawyer to defend your belief a federal law is illegal. BTW, if you pissed off a local cop, and he's aware you violated 18 U.S.C. § 922(q), he *could* hold you for the feds. And let you sweat as you ponder whether or not the the feds will press it. And yes, I do live in Vermont, where most of us aren't so quick to deploy the nasty "What planet do you reside on" crap. Cheers.

I haven't heard of anyone being charged only for a breach of this law ...

I haven't either - but if something happened where you needed to defend yourself within one of their "zones", you'd might be a bit nervous as they decided what to do. I'd rather not have that vulnerability at all. It's maddening that they didn't word the law so that any state's permit would afford you immunity from the school zone law. It's more madding that they even have the damn law.
PS - I'm no law scholar either

True, and both AK and AZ issue permits. AK, however is a must inform state. AZ is a must inform if asked state. VT is not a must inform state. So, if we look at the "don't need a permit" states, VT has the edge when dealing with LE, but they also don't have a castle law.

No state is perfect. This is why we need to continue to be politically active. The only true national reciprocity is no permission slips for any of the states.

Your post is nothing but a huge steaming pile of crap.
I live here in Vermont and for YOU to try and tell ME what is the legal facts of residency is a huge pile of dung.
I can drive from one end of MY state to the other carrying either openly or concealed without even the REMOTE possibility I'd get hassled.
Do me a favor and don't TRY to pass off your BS as fact when it is so obvious you neither live here in Vermont nor do you have any semblance of a friggin clue as to what your talking about!
Go peddle your misinformation to someone else...
One last thing..

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ETA: there is no "patch work" of laws and or ordinances in Vermont. The Sportsman Act did away with that crap back in the 80's! Hence... ZERO issues in Vermont while traveling armed (I also OPEN carry while doing this!).
Also, I walk past and or drive past two different schools, one of which is located next door to my towns Police department.
If your going to be talking out of your ass, at least TRY to sound like you know what your saying!

Sent from behind Enemy Lines.
Living in VT does have it's limitations, but I'd rather live with them. I always CC or OC, prefer CC but for a few months makes that difficult. When I leave the state, I have to remember to clean out the truck, no guns, no ammo, no empty shells (I reload). But while I'm home, I enjoy my priveledges (rights) to the fullest. If an empty 22 shell is found in the bed of my truck in MA or NY (neighboring states) It's instant gray bar hotel.