How long to get a non resident CHL from Virginia?


New member
At times it's hard to get recent times it's taking to get your permit so I thought I'd help others. I just mailed in my application today and will update every time I hear something from VA about the status up to when I get it in the mail.

July 5, 2016 I mailed the application first class USPS.
July 10, 2016 I've heard nothing from Virginia.
July 12, 2016 I emailed asking what their process is for letting me know the progress.
July 13, 2016 This is the email response I received from VA today "You can expect to receive confirmation of payment within 30 days of our receipt of your application, and the current processing time is approximately 90 days from the date of payment confirmation."
July 20, 2016 I called the office letting them know I sent my application over 2 weeks ago and have heard nothing. I was told they are over 2 weeks behind in opening up the mail. You have to love the government. The lady told me they will not email me but will either mail me a letter that it is now being processed or they'll send the whole packet back if there's an issue and a letter explaining what the issue is.
July 29, 2016 I received the receipt for payment letter in the mail today. It's just a 1-page letter saying they received it on July 25th. There's a note that processing time is estimated at 90 days from receipt.
September 7, 2016 It's been 45 days since my application was received so I emailed asking for a status update. Saturday I got an email saying only that my "permit is tentatively scheduled to be issued on or about October 25th". I'm so thinking I'll get it after that.
October 21, 2016 I got my permit in the mail!!! 90 Days from their receipt date would have been October 23rd so I got it two days early but the card says it was issued October 7th. Also, they are issuing hard card now not the paper permits.