Hospital security officer shot in hospital parking ramp. Time to change MI laws...



A hospital security officer confronting a vehicle break-in suspect was shot in a hospital employee parking ramp (some reports say in front of the ramp), Link Removed. A growing number of employees at this hospital have been attacked in these structures in recent years.

As is the case so often, this happened in a facility in which hospital employees are required to wait for police to arrive to help them rather than be able to defend themselves using the force legally allowed in most other parts of society - both by hospital policy as well as by state law (hospitals are PFZs by law for purposes of CC in MI, and PFZs for purposes of OC by hospital policy).

I had a customer come into my store last Friday looking for ways to protect themself in the parking ramps of hospitals; this person is a hospital employee who was mugged in a hospital parking ramp, and was incredibly frustrated that hospital policy leaves them and visitors to hospitals unprotected to and from their vehicles. A nurse was stabbed in the employee parking structure a few months ago, now this security officer was shot. There have been a couple of others as well.

I understand the whole private property rights argument, but NO ONE has the right to take away our God-given right to adequately provide for our own defense - especially a business, which, I will continue to argue, is not truly private property in the same way as one's home. NO ONE. Such policies are immoral and unethical, so don't give me this crap about, well, it's time to look for another job in an occupation that isn't as dangerous. These occurrences are GROWING in all occupational fields, and one of the big driving factors is the insurance companies, a number of which have instituted discriminatory premium structures in order to force businesses to adopt gun free policies.

These are the objectives we need to pursue in MI, just as they are being pursued in other states:

  1. COMPLETE elimination of pistol free zones; businesses are not private property in the same way as one's home, and their practices are already heavily regulated at all levels of government. This should be no different. The Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is both a CIVIL right as well as a LEGAL right, regardless of whether it is specifically covered by the civil rights act. ALL of the rights addressed and protected by the Bill of Rights are CIVIL rights.
  2. Legislation prohibiting discriminatory premiums against businesses that promote firearms carry.
  3. Indemnification for employers/businesses that promote firearms carry against criminal or civil prosecution stemming from the lawful, defensive use of a firearm on their premises.
  4. Complete OC/CC parity; concealed carriers are required to jump through more training/legal hoops than open carriers just because the method of carry is different. This is discriminatory under the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution.
  5. Elimination of the requirement to obtain a CPL in order to buy/carry a stun gun or taser.
  6. The ultimate goal is to institute Constitutional carry in MI.


I agree 100%. Several hospitals I've been to are in very high crime areas all around them. It makes for easy Pickens for criminals in and around parking garages.
My daughter just got out of Children's hospital for knee surgery. They have no gun buster signs, and it is not illegal in Washington, so I conceal carry there. There is a sign that says for patient safety they will escort you to your car if requested. I'm thinking what is the escort going to do? Distract the bad guy enough for me to have more time to shoot them?
That security guard should have been armed and had his gun drawn. I just sold a 9mm to a nurse. :dirol:
Are there any states that declare hospitals a gun-free zone under the law?

Whenever there is a question about if any state has a restriction on carrying a firearm in a certain place, the first state I look at is Texas. Texas has more restrictions on where you cannot carry firearms than just about any other state. Once again, Texas does not disappoint:


Are there any states that declare hospitals a gun-free zone under the law?

MI hospitals are gun free to concealed carry under law. And while someone with a CPL can legally, openly carry in a gun free zone, if the hospital is not publicly owned it can post itself gun free to all forms of carry. MSP - Pistol Free Areas
A quick up date on this. I work in this hospital ER, I was working the day the officer was shot. As of a few months ago our hospital Officers carry hand guns, tasers and we 4 German sheperds that are trained as police dogs. I feel 100% safer and I was a full supporter of it.