Girl, 13, slain by brothers AK-47

I suspect you have never had hash marks in your underwear or even your diapers. That sir, is how amazingly perfect you have shown yourself to be!

Is there a reason you keep calling me perfect? Why? Because I don't pull the trigger of my firearm when it is pointed at my toes? Because when I unload my firearm I know if it is indeed unloaded or not? If this is what qualifies a person as perfect, then I guess I am.

Ask most of the people in these forums... is there anything called an accidental discharge. The answer is no. The reason is because every discharge from your firearm should be planned and controlled. If it is not, then it is negligent. You sir, had a negligent discharge, not an accidental one. Guns don't just accidentally go off. The user makes it go off, whether it is intended or not. If it was not intended, the user was negligent.

However, when people actually try to help and educate with the four rules of safe gun handling (when we see evidence that these rules were violated) you respond with insolence and belligerence.

Please respond back with some sort of defense against these four rules or revert back to your name calling. Either way, I will continue to make you look like an idiot. Own up to the fact that YOU caused that gun to discharge and almost blow off your toes, and it was your negligence that caused it; then maybe people in this thread will start to have some shred of respect for what you have to say.
