concealed carry holster for SW325 Night Guard


New member
Looking for either an in the pocket holster or iwb holster for my SW325 Night Guard. Right now I carry the Taurs Milenniunm PRO .45 in a pocket holster. Would really like something similar for the SW325.:no:

For IWB I'd contact Jimmy at to see if he can hook ya up. The N-Frame isn't listed as one he currently does, but with it being a newer model he may be looking to start. Don't take one glance at the Kholster and laugh it off, you can modify them however you prefer and they're still 100% covered under warranty. Kholster is great and you can use my rebate code 05-9197 for 10% off. It gives me 25% off my next Kholster, and when you get yours, you'll have a discount code to give out for folk to get 10% off and when they use your code you get 25% off.

Unsure if Desantis makes a Cozy Partner for that model, but I have one of those and really like it as well. I prefer the Kholster cause it's thinner and you can tuck your shirt around the gun.