Chicago shootings

A person with a brain would look at this situation and say "Gee, I wonder if all these shootings point to a problem with our laws". But nobody has a brain in Chicago. Nobody is smart enough in that city to realize that their attempt to control guns was (and still is) an epic failure.

It is not just a coincidence that their city has the most shootings and the most restrictive gun laws. No coincidence at all. In reality, their laws that do not allow people to defend themselves is why there are so many shootings and so much violence in that city.
Mayor Rahm, slipped up and said that he does not want to repeal Concealed Carry... Does he mean that he wants Concealed Carry in Chicago?
Speaking as a former long time Chicagoan, you COMPLETELY misunderstand the situation.

The Chicago City Council voted ITSELF the right to carry concealed. Everybody else can get bent.

Do you think that lions in a game preserve would vote to let impala have fangs and claws?

One of the highest concentrations of criminals in the city also votes on all of its laws.

Things are the way they are by design, NOT by accident.