Challenge of finding the right holter


New member
I carry a Ruger LCP. I have used a pocket carry holster, usually in my right rear pocket. I also use an ankle holster, changing up from side to side. I really would prefer to use in IWB small of the back holster, but my job requires that I wear a dress shirt tucked inside my trousers. That makes it more of a challenge to find a suitable holster. Perhaps if I lived in a larger city with more resources I could find what I am looking for, but I live in a small town of less than 2800 and have to drive half an hour to my nearest pawn shop to even shop for a firearm.

Agree with checking on IWB holsters. There are many now on the market that allow one to tuck their shirt in. Check out the posting for Carrying with Tuck Shirt. There are many suggestions there for you to look at. Also do a search for IWB Holsters and read what the comments are. Yes many are glory type but with looking you can find posts that go both ways. I know of two that I have and use and would use either when needing to tuck my shirt in. Also they do a great job of preventing Printing.
Looking for the perfect holster is a never ending battle.......... I don't see a lot about shoulder holsters, but am considering one for the times when I wear a suit and possible during times when a light jacket is needed. What are the pros and cons?

One of the reasons why I am not wearing a shoulder holster with a suit is that I can't remove my jacket without switching to open carry. If the goal is concealing, then I look ridiculous when wearing my jacket while sweating like hell. This is why I have a Crossbreed SuperTuck Deluxe for carrying concealed with a tucked shirt.