Bad LEO encounter. no guns, and not me.

Sad to read about. Hope your friend is okay. Being involved with LEO's all the time, I too can attest that not all are crooked, not all are bad, and yes there are bad ones in every bunch.

Please keep us posted if it does pop up on the net somewhere.

To Protect and Serve - not ourselves, but the common decent people.

After taking a look at some of Cook County's dirty laundry so to speak, nothing could surprise me. A large police force in a city with a notoriously corrupt political machine, probably has stuff like that going on all the time (mixed in with literally hundreds of bullshit complaints as well).

That same factor makes it a great place to tell tales about because verification is well nigh impossible. Stories that would result in multiple firings or forced retirements well up the chain in a smaller community might not even make the news there.

I read it as a cautionary tale that makes a good point whether or not it's true. Whether you are a feminist or not, the fact is that an awful lot of guys spend al lot of time thinking with the wrong head and it pays for women to err on the side of caution. We may all wish we lived in a world where no one ever abused their authority, where all men left alone women they had no claim to and that it was safe for a woman to be in a small room with a man she doesn't know but we don't and it isn't.

Predators don't care about your rights unless you make them impossible to violate.
