any update on court ruling?


New member
does anyone have any further info regarding fed judge ruling on permit status? I know state police are real busy with gun purchase aps and collector permits. I was waiting to hear the final outcome to see if I should apply, hoping for success?

The last update from Maryland Shall Issue can be found at:

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I haven't seen any update since...
OOPS!! there is one later update:

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As long as I'm here and MSI is still here, you're NOT alone in Maryland!!
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Thanks . I find it truly pitiful that i can legally carry in every state around Maryland with my other permits but not in the State that i live in.
Thanks . I find it truly pitiful that i can legally carry in every state around Maryland with my other permits but not in the State that i live in.

I agree with you aloneinMD check out MSI they are a good site. It will change soon. Vote out 1 lib at a time...Ok let me dream a little maybe a couple of ours in MD