About Feathers

Lefty, 33 years old, broken back, database administrator (job searching), really into firearms and classic rock.

Disabled due to a work injury, but able to get around. My house was almost broken in to, so I went out and purchased myself a firearm with what little scratch I could gather. There were 3 more attempts, each time had been different people. With my firearm, I hope I was able to scare them straight. I also decided to get my CCW permit since I cannot run or defend myself anymore.

I've browsed USACarry for quite some time and used the information within to get myself through the CCW process, and to be safe with my firearm.

Currently researching a mousegun to carry in place of my wide Px4 SC 9mm as it prints with appendix carry.

Shooting, 1960's - 1970's muscle cars, 1980's Camaros, clay molding, building stuff
May 13, 1979 (Age: 44)
Delaware (of all places)
None - Just went through college at 29! for Database Administration
Carry Gun
Px4 SC 9mm
All Firearms
Px4 SC 9mm, Star Model BM 9mm
None unfortunately - Disabled, so I'm too broke to obtain one.