Your opinions on getting a new rifle,rifles


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I am still thinking about adding to my rifle collection. I have at this time two rifles in 223/5.56 caliber. One an older Bushmaster and the other an older mini-14 purchased around 25 or more years ago. I am trying to decide if I want to get a really good ar-15 or a new Ranch rifle. I can buy at dealer cost a Ruger Ranch model mini-14 with synthetic stock under 600 dollars. So I could get two of the Ruger's for the price of an ar-15. My third choice would be sense I already have two rifles that shoot 223 maybe getting a battle rifle in 308 like the Springfield Armory to give me something with a little more punch. I can get one for not much more than a good Ar-15. To many choices. What do you think?
I can buy at dealer cost a Ruger Ranch model mini-14 with synthetic stock under 600 dollars. So I could get two of the Ruger's for the price of an ar-15. My third choice would be sense I already have two rifles that shoot 223 maybe getting a battle rifle in 308 like the Springfield Armory to give me something with a little more punch. I can get one for not much more than a good Ar-15. To many choices. What do you think?

I think you can get a REALLY nice AR-15 for $1200. But I like your idea of a .308 better. I have 2 ars and an ak (wasr) in 5.45

I found a good deal on an FAL (CAI L1A1) and I'm modifying it to fit my wishes. It is by far cooler than the smaller calibers. If I ever get it to what I'd considered 'finished' I'll post pictures.

Take a look at the mini-30. It shoots a 7.62 by 39(same as the AK) It might not be a bad idea to have a rifle that shoots the same ammo that the other guy is going to be carrying when it hits the fan. But then again....if you can get his ammo you can get his AK:icon_cheesygrin:

...already mentioned were a FAL, AK, and an M1A. Right now I anticipate Dems in power (gun bans :ranting2:). I'm foregoing revolvers and other "unscary" guns and buying hi-cap mags and AR recievers. AKs are inexpensive and very "evil" looking. Buy one to hoard or invest. Don't forget lots of hi-caps! :duim:
Go with the .308

The PTR 91 is a great HK 91 clone (built in the US using HK tooling!!!). Century Arms makes another great HK 91 clone. Magazines are irt cheap and the guns shoot well with 18 inch (17.7) barrels. Short enough to be handy but long enough to get some performance from a .308 150 grain FMJ. Check out the picture of mine from the gallery.

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The scope is the Bushnell 10X tactical (under 250 bucks but well worth it):smurfmuyloco[1]:
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Nice looking...

The PTR 91 is a great HK 91 clone (built in the US using HK tooling!!!). Century Arms makes another great HK 91 clone. Magazines are irt cheap and the guns shoot well with 18 inch (17.7) barrels. Short enough to be handy but long enough to get some performance from a .308 150 grain FMJ. Check out the picture of mine in the gallery.

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The scope is the Bushnell 10X tactical (under 250 bucks but well worth it):smurfmuyloco[1]:

...rifle. And I do like anything Hk or even a clone there of .
Have you given any thought to a Sig 556? I am planing on getting one soon.

That is one gun that I thought about, really like. The only problem is the price. It is a great gun but then again I could get two Rugers or Aks etc for about the price of the Sig. Do I want a great gun or perhaps two pretty good guns. Choices. Then again if gas and food keeps going up I may not be able to afford anything.:whatever:
Something to consider

I am still thinking about adding to my rifle collection. I have at this time two rifles in 223/5.56 caliber. One an older Bushmaster and the other an older mini-14 purchased around 25 or more years ago. I am trying to decide if I want to get a really good ar-15 or a new Ranch rifle. I can buy at dealer cost a Ruger Ranch model mini-14 with synthetic stock under 600 dollars. So I could get two of the Ruger's for the price of an ar-15. My third choice would be sense I already have two rifles that shoot 223 maybe getting a battle rifle in 308 like the Springfield Armory to give me something with a little more punch. I can get one for not much more than a good Ar-15. To many choices. What do you think?

When USSOCOM forces rolled into Trashcanistan, They found very quickly that the Taliban/Mujhadeen fighters were very tough (often high on opiates) and determined. They also found that they had to shoot them two maybe three times to make them stay shot.

When the Canuck Army showed up with a 7.62 NATO main battle rifle they were only shooting them once and getting the job done.

The USSOCOM immediately requisition every M-14/M-21 it could muster to aid and assist in the mountainous regions and dealing with the Taliban backed Mujhadeen fighters.

US alphabet agencies and the contractors they employ have since found that the JLD PTR-91 (HK 91Clone) is an effective tool in Iraq and other local hotspots, due to rock solid reliability and accuracy that surpasses all locally owned and operated firepower.

The PTR 91 was originally built as a target/tactical rifle with matchgrade conponents. They have since put the chamber back to NATO spec's but left the barrel a tackdriver.

It don't get any better than this!:msn-biggrin:
perhaps you should...

consider spending that moola on food/water storage, first aid supplies and ammo for the weapons you have already? only the police and military have more!!!:ninja::msn-biggrin:
Yeah good point Boris...
The way I see it, it's better to have one reliable, accurate rifle, than two that may jam at a crucial time. When SHTF I want to have a firearm that will treat me good, and I don't want to regret buying a cheap gun when my life depends on it.
I would get an AR-15. It is one of the most customizable guns on the planet, and it frickin' looks awesome, particularly the ones with the retractable stocks.
Does it have to be an assault or military style and caliber? How about getting a nice bolt action in a sporting caliber so you can use it for big game hunting as well as BG's?
Does it have to be an assault or military style and caliber? How about getting a nice bolt action in a sporting caliber so you can use it for big game hunting as well as BG's?

I forgot to mention that I have a bolt action 308 already.

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