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A comment was made that a common response about why businesses post their premises is that they do it to lower insurance costs. Yet, if that is true, why don't more businesses post? I mean think about it. Wal-Mart is the 2-ton, rabid gorilla of cost-cutting – no posting is the corporate policy. Best Buy takes all kinds of flack about being cheap and holding down prices by hiring low-cost hourly employees – but they don’t post. McDonald's has hundreds of thousands of minimum wage employees so we know they care about costs – yet, no signs I ever saw. So if the cost is measurable, WHY DON'T THESE PLACES POST?

Now, maybe you’re thinking, "Well, Ed, they are just smart enough not to offend the gun-toting public." Even forgetting for a moment how many millions of people insist these companies are only looking out for themselves. Is it just possible that they think not enough people care?

Why don't you (and 10,000 of your closest friends of course) consider making it clear that some people DO care? I don't mean picket lines, protestors and such, just send a letter in asking them to prove why they post? Letters to them, the paper, the TV channel, talk radio shows, etc.?

Personally, I believe the insurance line is just a deflection because they don’t want to admit to being scared &^%less of guns or they hope to keep anti-activists off their backs. BUT, it just might be that there are some rational people out there, especially this week, who are willing to start saying “enough is enough.”

Drop them a line...or two...or three even. Send one or two (million) to Cooper Anderson, Bill Riley, Neal Bortz (s?), etc. asking, "WHY?"
not sure i understand what you're trying to say

ec, sorry, maybe I am just a dumb f***ker, but I didn't quite understand your post...

What do you mean by Post and why am I writing Bill O'Reilly.:)

Posting is what a business does to notify citizens that even lawfully carrying permit holders are not allowed to bring firearms on the premises. Like the malls that have the shootings, some banks and other business (even the occasional Gun Store - go figure). Many states have requirement on the size of the sign, its letters and location height and proximity to doors.

We keep asking why do businesses try to prevent lawful carry in their facilities.

"Posting" is what you do to your property when you don't want people traipsing all over it hunting. They've adopted the same vernacular with respect to "Posting" their property for CCW-holders, too. Bastids!!
Posting is what a business does to notify citizens that even lawfully carrying permit holders are not allowed to bring firearms on the premises. Like the malls that have the shootings, some banks and other business (even the occasional Gun Store - go figure). Many states have requirement on the size of the sign, its letters and location height and proximity to doors.

We keep asking why do businesses try to prevent lawful carry in their facilities.


"Posting" is what you do to your property when you don't want people traipsing all over it hunting. They've adopted the same vernacular with respect to "Posting" their property for CCW-holders, too. Bastids!!

Ahhhhh OK I see. :)
Double, you seem so much more intimidating now without Mr. Rogers. Is Dr. Jekyll out on vacation for Christmas? I feel much more intimidated now, replying back to you. Bring back Fred!
Double, you seem so much more intimidating now without Mr. Rogers. Is Dr. Jekyll out on vacation for Christmas? I feel much more intimidated now, replying back to you. Bring back Fred!

LOL, Link Removed

I watched Snatch again and just got so dialed into the character "Bullet Tooth Tony" I wanted to be more like Vinny... changed the avatar.

But I miss Mister Rogers already:rolleyes:... he shall be back in the neighborhood soon
After talking with my credit union, not only did their bond carrier require it, but they were also 'advised' to do so by the FBI and local PD! This is according to a pretty high ranking cu officer. Like he said, the board decided to alienate a few, (by posting), and save a few bucks.

Like I mentioned earlier, the cu officer himself was very 2a, which to me lends believability to his story.
It may well be

that their bond carrier required it. However, the part that simply doesn't make sense is why would some require it and others not - IF IT IS IMPORTANT? A question to ask the CU (or any other posted business) might be, "Why does YOUR bond carrier/insurance company require this but others apparently don't?" The answer to that might naturally lead to the second question of, "Have you considered shopping for a bond carrier/insurers that doesn't require this?" Or even, "What reason does the bond carrier/insurers give for this requirement, other than, because they said so?"

Again, this insurance thing may exist from some companies but the question remains, "Why are there major (and minor) financial companies, retail operations, restaurant chains and such which are NOT required to prohibit lawful carry?" Where/what is their justification? Is there any substance to their claim that this is necessary other than some emotional response like, "Well, guns cause violence so we prohibit them."? Or, "It is just common sense that if we put up a sign, the problem will go away!"

Your next few questions after a response like that should be self-evident.
Well thought out reponse ecocks..

The conversation took place several months ago so my memory may have faded some. It does seem though that the fact was mentioned that they actually had shopped around, (for price only, one can only guess), and the one they chose had the posting requirement. I did not think to question the reasoning, assuming it was a price shooping excersise.

From the bond carriers perspective, they may look at it as strictly a liability issue, but then again I'm only guessing.

Interesting enough, the CU officer basically said, no harm no foul. Keep it concealed and there won't be any issue. I don't like that idea either.

After all of this, I did some looking into the moving of my account, and most/if not all of the local CU's are posted.
Interesting post. I live in a small town. I can not think of any businesses that are posted. The hospital is, and of course the court house, and police stations (I think). This leads me to wonder about the places that claim they are required to post by bond companies, etc. I am sure there are differences in states and probably cities. It just makes me wonder if the honest law abiding conceal carry people are being fed a line.

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