You know your a gun nut when....


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I was at Barnes and Nobles reading a SWAT mag when I came across an ad for a .50 BMG. As I began to drool I showed it to the buddy I was with.

He asked if I was drooling over the woman or the .50.

I didn't even realize there was a woman in the ad until I looked at it a second time.:p

I saw a firearms show that featured a female .50 cal group. They were all out practicing. Looked like fun!
I was at Barnes and Nobles reading a SWAT mag when I came across an ad for a .50 BMG. As I began to drool I showed it to the buddy I was with.

He asked if I was drooling over the woman or the .50.

I didn't even realize there was a woman in the ad until I looked at it a second time.:p

I'm a big gun nut... but I do have priorities. I don't think I would have overlooked what was holding the .50 cal. :)
Don't call me a gun nut. I'm a firearms enthusiast. You know you're a firearms enthusiast when you carry in your bathrobe. And there's nothing more alluring than a foxy woman with a foxy gun. Armed women are very attractive- a lady who likes guns is the epitome of sex appeal.
I'm more of a pro-constitution geek. Nothing nutty about the bill of rights, although many try to make it look that way.
You know you're a gun nut when . . .

Your own wife says you're a gun nut. She says I need to tone it down a bit - that I talk about guns & gun rights issues too often with too many people. LOL

I just love talking about guns & gun rights, why does that make me a nut. ;)
what are the extra spaces in the safe for? God must want them full. Wife has her own Kimber.
My wife is not into guns at all but when we went to Colorado together last week she said 'Where is your pistol' when we were packing. Making progress...
Good job Torch. Hang in there. My wife had never shot a gun when we got married a year and a half ago. She really had nothing against them, just never handled one. About a month ago she got her own TN handgun permit. Very proud husband! :D
I was in a class all week at work and on the 4th or 5th day the guy next to me said, "don't you own any shirts that don't have something about guns on them?" :eek:
You know you're a gun nut when...

...your floorboards buckle under the weight of your ammo stash
I have been very blessed. My wife has a Smith revolver and a Glock. She shoots, has her CHL and understands the fact that guns are one of the few things that you can buy that go up in value. She seldom gives me any flack when I feel the need to add to my stash.
My wife just applied for her Nv. CCW when I renewed mine (we hav a 2nd residence in the Reno area). Years ago purchased her a Lady Smith mod. 60. She already has her AZ. permit and will be applying for her Utah soon. Maybe next spring I will get her to try for her home state Ca. permit when I renew mine.

She should shoot and train a little more often, but she values our ability to protect ourselves. She does keep an eye on my firearms and ammo purchases but has lost track of the contents of the safe.

I am a lucky man to have a great woman like her.

Blued VS Stainless Steel

When you have to explain to your wife why you had to buy the same pistol in SS because the Blued one was well...Blued and therefore NOT the same pistol. No, she didn't buy my BS but she is the best as she didn't throw me out.
What do you call it when you have to keep buying new guns because you wife and son keep claiming all the guns in the safe as "theirs?"

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