You don't HAVE to shoot

I don't quite understand, if you were an off duty deputy at the time, why didn't you or your wife call for backup to arrest these punks? Or maybe I misunderstood your post and you were no longer an officer when this happened?


I have to clarify my post. I was an off-duty sheriff's deputy, and as Slade said, the best gunfight is the one you avoid. I did call a friend of mine who happened to be an on-duty Casa Grande PD officer and told him about the three idiots, and before we pulled out of the parking lot, a patrol car was spotlighting the nooks and crannies of the mall. My wife did not have a permit at that time, because Arizona had not as yet passed the CCW law, and only police and military personnel could carry concealed, in connection with their duties.
You don't have to shoot

Apparently, some believe that LEOs have police radios or car phones in their POVs. I used a payphone on the mall parking lot to let the PD know what had transpired. As someone has so graciously pointred out, "When seconds count, 911. The police are just minutes away." Our relationship with the city PD was pretty much one way. They had no problem asking for us to help stop a line of low riders, but we had a standing joke. How do you know where the city limits are? By the skid marks where they turn around and go back into the city. the situation did not require back up and indeed, if it had escalated, there would have been bodies on the groiund before the call could go out. I agree with the philosophy that the best gunfight you can ever take part in is the one you avoid. They did not want to end up in the county morgue any more than I wanted to put them there. I knew from experience what I would have done, and that is something many LEOs do not even know, let alone civilians. You never know for sure until you are in that position, and then it is too late to decide.
Apparently, some believe that LEOs have police radios or car phones in their POVs. I used a payphone on the mall parking lot to let the PD know what had transpired. As someone has so graciously pointred out, "When seconds count, 911. The police are just minutes away." Our relationship with the city PD was pretty much one way. They had no problem asking for us to help stop a line of low riders, but we had a standing joke. How do you know where the city limits are? By the skid marks where they turn around and go back into the city. the situation did not require back up and indeed, if it had escalated, there would have been bodies on the groiund before the call could go out. I agree with the philosophy that the best gunfight you can ever take part in is the one you avoid. They did not want to end up in the county morgue any more than I wanted to put them there. I knew from experience what I would have done, and that is something many LEOs do not even know, let alone civilians. You never know for sure until you are in that position, and then it is too late to decide.

I know that this may be getting a bit off topic, but I've been seeing the acronym forever and still don't know what it means. What does it mean?

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