Yet another reason why some should NOT own a gun


New member
What a p***k. Have to laugh at him... enjoy :dirol: if you hit play and says "video is no longer available, click the screen again..... it's there.

he looks a little young....he also probably is just trying to act "tough". If someone did break into his place he would probably drop a load in his pants before he did anything. Id say hes about 14-16 tops! haha was a good laugh though thanks for posting!
hopefully, dad came in right after this was finished and whooped him like the badly behaved, uneducated child he is
I was actually impressed! He managed to make it the entire way through the 45 second video without shooting himself ... I never thought he would, I kept waiting for the bang.

I especially like the tough dude at the end with the F you then he can't cycle the weapon because the magazine (that's the thing that apparently holds the five "clips" that some of us call bullets) is not in the whole way.

At least he's well trained.

9 milies b**ch ... Peace out.
I was actually impressed! He managed to make it the entire way through the 45 second video without shooting himself ... I never thought he would, I kept waiting for the bang.

Really, I swore when I pressed the start button that this would end with him shooting himself. After watching for a few seconds, there was no other logical outcome.
I was actually impressed! He managed to make it the entire way through the 45 second video without shooting himself ... I never thought he would, I kept waiting for the bang.

I especially like the tough dude at the end with the F you then he can't cycle the weapon because the magazine (that's the thing that apparently holds the five "clips" that some of us call bullets) is not in the whole way.

At least he's well trained.

9 milies b**ch ... Peace out.

see, and i thought it was just because his arms were like pipe cleaners that he couldn't rack the slide. silly me
I looked up fool in the dictionary and his picture was there for an illustration.:biggrin:
I pray that somebody here or one of the 1000+ guests we have here on this site recognize this, this, kid and turns him into the LEs or turns him inside out.
I am really glad that none of my daughters brought something like that home. :na:

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