X-mas gift came early. New Coffee maker..


New member
I got a X-mas gift early and love it. A new coffee maker that makes turns on and makes coffee on it's own. It's a step up from the old 4 cup maker i had before and i love it. Now i just need to find some good coffee to put into it lol. Any one here drink coffee?
WOW great site. I got to the web site and was like OMG this stuff is going to cost me my left lung. I was blown away to find great coffee and such rich Coco for such a cheap price great find thanks for the link..:victory::victory:
Enjoy, but remember, too much coffee on range day can lead to poor shooting.
X-mas gift came early. New Coffee maker..
I got a X-mas gift early and love it. A new coffee maker that makes turns on and makes coffee on it's own.

I thought your mail order bride arrived! Oh well, enjoy the coffee anyway.
I drink Green mountain coffee, D&D Coffee. How is that White chocolate mousse?? Sounds really good ever had it? How is the CoCo?
I very what I drink. I like French roast on occasion. What ever I get it is whole beans and I grind my own. You get coffee that stays fresh longer that way. I have even toyed with getting a roaster, there are some sites on the web that sell them, and roasting my own beans. That would take several hundred dollars investment though and with Obama and the way the country is going I probably should by ammo instead.
I was doing that but it's to much work. I grind it at the store and i just saves time in the AM or at night when i get it all ready. Got to have A lot of sugar or sweet and low in my coffee or something to make it sweet. My friend was dumping nestle quick in his coffee it was pretty good.
I was doing that but it's to much work. I grind it at the store and i just saves time in the AM or at night when i get it all ready. Got to have A lot of sugar or sweet and low in my coffee or something to make it sweet. My friend was dumping nestle quick in his coffee it was pretty good.

Years ago when I first started drinking coffee I would put in three tsp sugar and half and half. After a while I cut the sugar back and the the cream went and finely all the sugar. I just drink it black now. My son never did acquire a test for the stuff but my daughter would drink some of mine when she was about 13. Now that she is grown and married she drinks it black also. Her and I are the only coffee lovers as her mom and husband do not like it.
I've never had either. I do non-flavored coffees. My wife does chocolate, and she never wants to wait for shipping, so she buys locally. Try the Coastal Costa Rica, Boca Villa, or South Beach Rythm
Have you decided on anything yet? I just use the generic store brand of coffee, sugar, and cream and it works just fine and tastes great. Oh, and I don't measure how much of each I put in.
Oh yeah, I like the cinnamon/hazelnut coffee too, can't remember the brand. I gave up sugar forever ago, now I like Splenda brand sweeteners and a little bit of creamer of any kind. Only one cuppaday, or 2 halfcaf cups to keep the blood pressure in check or I'd be high flying like --->> :crazy_pilot: Tea just isn't the same! Gotta be Joe! Enjoy!
I'll send you a bag of Kona coffee to try out if you like.


Who is that offer aim at glock? Me or other posters? If it was aimed at me yeah sure send me a bag i would love it. CleanFun, Yeah i like Sweet&Low in my coffee. At night time after dinner with a Piece of pie or some other sweets. Like Dark Chocolate YUM YUM. Most of the time unless i need to stay up i have a cup of Earl Grey or Lipton Green tea.
I prefer maxwell house masterblend for drip pot.
When camping using 26cup percolater on camp stove, i utilize eight o'clock which i grind coarse.
It taste real good arund the campfire especially when it is 28 degrees outside and the campfire is roaring.

Update! GlockFan sent me some coffee from HI. I was thinking he was only sending me one bag of coffee but to my surprise he SENT ME TWO. I was shocked as one would have been more then enough seeing as how he was sending it to me for free. I opened one bag a few days ago it was the 100% Kona. I made one cup so i could try it out and see if it was for me. I tried it with out any sugar or creamer first. It tasted vary vary good, the taste was a rich/semi sweet/earthy taste. Not over powering but just right. The after taste was earthy with a creamy/buttery taste ( vary nice). Then i added in sugar and creamer and man even better. One thing i did learn with this coffee is it's semi sweet already so i don't need as much sugar as i put in my coffee. All and all vary good coffee and a nice after taste to it. I'm not sure how much it is so maybe glock can tell us. Another nice thing about the bags of coffee is they come with brass clips so you can close the bags up.He also sent me a bag of CHOCOLATE macadamia nut ( 10% Kona Coffee blend) I have yet to try it I'm making a cup now so i will update later today or the next. Again thank you glock for the coffee.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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