Would you use an AK-47 on a snake?


New member
There are lots of details left out of this but I thought it was unusual for AK-47's to be use for snake hunting. :no:

Guns, not charm, expel snakes from police hub - MSNBC's Top News - MSNBC.com

Guns, not charm, expel snakes from police hub
Power hoses, AK-47 rifles used on 400 cobras, vipers in Sierra Leone station

FREETOWN - Power hoses and AK-47 assault rifles have succeeded where Sierra Leone's snake-charmers failed by removing 400 cobras and vipers that overran a police station.

Authorities in the southern district of Bo called in police, army and fire fighters after the snakes scared away police officers and residents reporting crimes.

"We have forced water into the building and some of the snakes trying to escape were shot by our men carrying AK-47s," said Brima Kontu, head of the police station in Gerihun.

About 250 of the estimated 400 snakes who had made the station their home have been killed.

"Hopefully the combined force will be able to free the house from the snakes by next Tuesday," Kontu told Reuters.

Sierra Leone is slowly recovering from the effects of the 1991-2002 civil war and villagers frequently have run-ins with wild animals in areas of the country that were deserted during the years of fighting.
Definitely don't like snakes... definitely like shooting snakes... think I would have used a shotgun myself... but to each it's own :)
If I had nothing else, sure!

That reminds me, a friend's dad wants us to come out to his property and cull the turtle population, which has been eating up all the fish in his stocked pond. I'm bringing the Mini 14. :biggrin:
To answer the question posed in the thread topic, no I would not use an AK-47 out of fear of missing. But it also seems to me like over kill. Granted some people have an irrational fear of snakes.
Well, if I was concerned about efficiency, sure I would use a shotgun. But come on, you're gonna let me go into a police station and shoot an AK (presumably a fully automatic one) at 400 moving targets? You wouldn't even have to pay me for that day!:biggrin:
Wouldn't that be mongeeses? :biggrin:

What is the plural of the mouse you use with your computer? Everyone know it is Meeses.

If you had a bunch of mongeeses would that be a gagel (not sure that is spelled right) of mongeeses?:biggrin:
If the AK 47 was the only firearm available to me, that's what I would use. Otherwise a shotgun would be my first choice, followed by a flame thrower, then a handgun. I suppose an AK 47 would work, but I would be very cautious as to minimize ricochets and over penetration.

IF it was the Only weapon I had, then I guess I would too. But, what waste of fine ammo. Instead of killing them, maybe gather them all up and make a snake pit for the enemy.
Well, if I was concerned about efficiency, sure I would use a shotgun. But come on, you're gonna let me go into a police station and shoot an AK (presumably a fully automatic one) at 400 moving targets? You wouldn't even have to pay me for that day!:biggrin:

that's what I'm talking about... they probably even provide the ammo too! I might just accidently miss sometimes though... have some more fun, see what I can hit:)
The shotgun would be the optimal weapon of choice... if you want to get that close. But an AK sounds so much more fun. A ruger 10/22 would also be fun for marksmanship.
I just thought about it that when they get through with the snakes by flushing them out with water and them using them for target practice with the AK-47's I have serious doubts that the police station will be structurally sound enough to use. :no:
I'm thinking a can of gas and a match would work the best!

That was my thought too. Easiest way to rid yourself of 400 snakes hold up in a building, fire bomb the building. Light it up and watch it and the snakes burn. If any get out, then take your AK-47 target practice. The cost to repair the building after peppering it with the rifles while shooting and missing the snakes, would probably be more than rebuilding.
I just thought about it that when they get through with the snakes by flushing them out with water and them using them for target practice with the AK-47's I have serious doubts that the police station will be structurally sound enough to use. :no:
Probably wasn't very structurally sound to begin with.

How about a bulldozer? Squash the little bazzards! You're likely gonna need to level the place anyway. Kill two birds (and 400 snakes) with one stone.