Woman Attacked by 3 Pitbulls


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Here's another reason to ensure you're always carrying.

No word yet on this woman's condition, or who owned these dogs. This pisses me off and I don't even know this woman.

Associated Press - July 8, 2009 5:44 PM ET

PHOENIX (AP) - Glendale police say a pack of dogs attacked a woman out for a walk Wednesday morning on the north side of the city.

Glendale police spokeswoman, Detective Tara Simonson says the woman was attacked by three pit bulls.

Simonson said the victim was walking when the loose pit bulls came up to her and started biting her. The victim got help from a bystander and was taken to a hospital for minor injuries.

Animal-control officials arrived and took control of the dogs.
I can hear it now.

Press Release from PETA: 3 hungry and starving dogs killed by gun toting woman out looking to kill something.
I Wish!

I can hear it now.

Press Release from PETA: 3 hungry and starving dogs killed by gun toting woman out looking to kill something.

If that were only the case, she may not be a used chew-toy with injuries that may likely change her life forever.

If our Socialist dork prez can slaughter innocent flies (after all, flies ARE attracted to $#!*) then I'm all for ventilating some vicious dogs. And I'm a dog lover!
Sidenote on a few things:

My g/f is in Vet School and PETA planted a person in her vet school to get all of their terminal surgeries shut down. Basically, they couldn't do surgeries that were life threatening to the animals they were learning how to save! I mean why? would an organization who is trying to help animals sabotage people who give their hearts/souls/money to learn how to keep them alive. THAT is what kind of organization they are.

Second side note: Most of the animals shot that come into her clinic are shot with .22s and usually FMJs.

One time I was in her clinic and I had to give them a lesson on the difference between JHP and FMJs, it made me feel quite intelligent for those 3 mins

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