Wish I had more time in the day!


Staff member
Hello everyone. I just want to say thank you to everyone that signed up today and has been active on the site. I'm been swamped with my "regular" job today and looking to be turning into a long weekend. I WILL be move active here as well.

I just wanted to drop a quick note so you guys don't think I am M.I.A.!
Luke, you've done enough already. I certainly share your heavy work schedule and hope to be able to advance the 'USA Carry' cause as much as possible in the next couple of weeks.


Torch (a.k.a. Michael)
Luke, you've done enough already. I certainly share your heavy work schedule and hope to be able to advance the 'USA Carry' cause as much as possible in the next couple of weeks.


Torch (a.k.a. Michael)

Thanks Torch!
Like, you're the one who should be thanked. I'm just a poster. You're an advocate for the RKBA and the person putting their time and money into this venture.

You're my HERO! ;)
Luke, I just want to thank you again for starting this site. We all have other responsibilities. I think it is going great!
Thanks everyone. It's been another long weekend, just not one where I could work on the site. I've been going through emails and new threads for the past 2 hours or so trying to play a little catchup.
I did not know you started this project, from the looks of it you are doing a fantastic job. Congratulations, that goes to you and to all here.
When I was a fledgling aviator, in relationship to the crew, I learned that the Captain sets the tone!.
Great Site and sa Great job

You are doing a great job and have provided a forum where we can work CCW on a state wide and national level.

I have brought in a couple of friends from California and with your help set up a link to California's premiere CCW web site.

Link Removed
California Concealed Carry (CCW) Forum

I would like to thank you for all of your help in getting us both linked up.


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