Wisconsin CC bill up for vote


New member
I posted a link and comments under "Concealed Carry Discussion". Any thoughts?
It would be nice if the bill passes that offers no permit to carry WITH a permit option for traveling to other states, getting around the GFSZ, etc...

Let's just hope it all goes through in the next month or so. With the recall elections right around the corner and the politicians could really screw this up.

BTW, ignore the name, I live in Milwaukee
I strongly support the bill going through now. It's not 'constitutional carry' but it's time to lock this into law. We have some recalls later this Summer, & they may not change the make-up on the legislature all that much, but you never now. Looking at how long this has been in process it's time to get this passed & signed by Walker. The current bill has modest training requirements(& a permit), which most of us gun guys can 'klep' through anyway.
Heres a link to the new amended Senate Bill 93. It's actually pretty easy to read and explains everything in detail.

Link Removed
yeah...if training HAS to be in there, NRA Basic and/or Hunter Safety are probably the easiest, cheapest to obtain.
Well it's past the Senate, now on to the Assembly where it should breeze through. Then on the Governor Walker's desk. He has already said he would sign it.

I can see this being law by the end of the week!
end of the week

I was wondering after he signs it how long before it takes affect is it immediate, 90 days waiting period, or am I way off base.
The law would be in affect, but I believe the DOJ has up to four months to get a database and permit system working. The first permits may hit the streets in early November is my guess.
I was wondering after he signs it how long before it takes affect is it immediate, 90 days waiting period, or am I way off base.

From the bill

This act takes effect on the first day of the 4th month beginning after publication,

So the question becomes...once the Gov signs it, how much time passes between signature and publication?

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