Wisconsin Carry, Inc. -- Open-Carry rally -- Sussex Wisconsin.


New member
For Immediate Release:

Wisconsin Carry, Inc. is organizing an Open-Carry rally this Sunday Feb. 21st in Sussex Wisconsin. Members from across the state will be joining us to raise awareness of the right to carry in Wisconsin based upon recent events amongst one of our members.

On Monday Feb. 15th, one of our members, "Joseph" was doing something he has done on many occasions. That is sitting down for lunch at China-Wok in Sussex, WI while open-carrying as law-abiding citizens do in Wisconsin. The only difference on this day was a Wisconsin State Trooper; "Trooper Kneisler" was in the parking lot. On this day, this particular Trooper was on a mission to place his personal desires above his professional responsibilities. It appears to us at Wisconsin Carry that Trooper Kneisler was determined to oust Joseph from the restaurant before he had any knowledge of the stores policy or even that the storeowners had any desire for his intervention. Don't take our word for it. When Joseph saw Trooper Kneisler heading into the restaurant, he pulled out his recording device (standard accessory for many of us who want to make sure we have documentation in the event of unlawful conduct by law-enforcement) and video-taped the encounter:

YouTube - State Police interaction

Unfortunately this video is not the end of the story. Late Monday night 3 Waukesha County Sheriffs Deputies visited Joseph at his home. Indications from the deputies was that Trooper Kneisler had continued his persecution of Joseph by contacting them and untruthfully suggesting Joseph was trying to impersonate a police officer. Reasons given included that he was "open-carrying" and that he has CB Radio antennae on his vehicle (a Hyundai Elantra)?

As would be expected, the deputies determined State Trooper Kneisler's complaint was unfounded and left.

Our members will be taking the opportunity to raise awareness of this improper law-enforcement action and show our support for Joseph and the right of all law-abiding residents of Wisconsin to exercise their right to carry by joining us in Sussex this Sunday. We will be meeting at the Starbucks in Sussex at 24950 West Main Street. The Rally will begin at 12:30 sharp. After coffee and meet-n-greet at Starbucks we will hold an awareness rally at the State Patrol District Headquarters at 21115 East Moreland Boulevard, Waukesha, WI.

Wisconsin Carry, Inc. is a non-profit Wisconsin corporation dedicated to the preservation and reclamation of the basic rights critical to a free society. Our mission statement can be viewed at our website. WISCONSINCARRY.ORG.

On January 8th 2010 Wisconsin Carry, Inc. filed a lawsuit in Federal Court to challenge the constitutionality of Wisconsin's onerous Gun Free School Zone Act, a copy of this lawsuit can be viewed here: Link Removed

Hubert Hoffman, Vice President
Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
P.O. Box 270403
Milwaukee, WI. 53227
[email protected]