Winchester Silvertip ammo, do they still make it?


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I have been trying to find some Winchester Silvertip ammo in .40 S&W caliber, does anyone know where I can buy some, and if they still produce it? I collect different HP rounds I have the Rangers and I'm ordering some Black Talons, but I want some SilverTips as well. Any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I have been trying to find some Winchester Silvertip ammo in .40 S&W caliber, does anyone know where I can buy some, and if they still produce it? I collect different HP rounds I have the Rangers and I'm ordering some Black Talons, but I want some SilverTips as well. Any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

A coworker of mine purchased some 9mm Winchester Silvertip ammo about 2 years ago for her Glock 19 from a large sporting goods store here in Oregon. I don’t remember seeing the Silvertips in any other caliber that day though. That’s the last time I remember seeing the silvertip style around. Then again, I don’t buy or carry that kind of ammo so I really wouldn’t know how available it is anymore.

Sorry I don’t have much more info to offer you. Good luck in your search.
They still make it - now you finding it - Good Luck.
good for collections, peerformance has not kept up with modern developments.
haha, my uncle recently gave me a whole box of this stuff in .380 ACP. I wonder how much it would fetch?
... good for collections, performance has not kept up with modern developments.

What ammos would you suggest have better performance... and why do you feel that is the case?

I have reserve stores of the silvertip and have not purcahsed self defense carry ammo in a looong time! But, would be interested in your thoughts on what ammo is better and why. Thanks for the info! :)
What ammos would you suggest have better performance... and why do you feel that is the case?

I have reserve stores of the silvertip and have not purcahsed self defense carry ammo in a looong time! But, would be interested in your thoughts on what ammo is better and why. Thanks for the info! :)

Better is a subjective term, but in my opinion the Winchester Ranger SXT's and the Winchester PDX-1'S are the best HP ammo cuurently available.

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