Why would any American ever vote for Obama


New member
Why would any American ever vote for Obama have you ever heard him speak of his love for the U.S. or its people?

Obama didn’t share our experiences or our values even though he says he has. He never heard his Father, Grandfather, or Uncle talk about fighting in the war to free countless millions from starvation, torture, and death at hand the many Dictators before him. He never had Grandparents that shared their stories of suffering and coming to America, penniless, looking only for the opportunity to become an American, speak our language, embrace our culture, and build a better life for them and their children.

Obama would rather offer handouts to those that break our laws, ignore our Constitution, demand we speak their language, embrace their laws and allow them to change our culture.

Has he ever given a speech that filled you with calmness, reassurance a speech that was complimentary, with heartfelt statements about all Americans?

Never! His speeches always include mockery, ridicule, downplaying of our achievements, emphasizing our faults and criticizing any opposition to his Dictatorship in order to bolster his ego. He uses his administration to threaten and create fear while demeaning and degrading any American who opposes his policies, actions, and his cocky attitude.

Not a day goes by without his attempt to defy our laws, remove our rights, over-ride established procedures, install Socialist/Communist appointees, enact Doctoral mandates, and assert his Dictatorial form of power in every facet of our lives.

Never in our lives have we experienced such an assault on our Nation, and during the last election, I actually felt American’s have had enough and handed the Republican Party the opportunity to stop the assault.

And what have they done with this opportunity? Nothing, Thanks to McConnell, and Boehner and all those so called Representatives that keep them in office.

We still have Obamacare, the invasion of countless millions of illegal immigrants, common core, and Medicaid expansion and if you haven’t noticed it is destroying Medicare for the elderly please check out this year’s changes.

Many are going to find out when they do their taxes if they under estimated their income when the filed for Obamacare subsidies they will owe the Government a payback.

At one time we had two parties, either we take one of them back or we start a new one.

Chuck White
Knoxville, Ohio
The question you pose has baffled me for many years now. One possibility is they were voting to be stylish -- and we have paid a hell of a price for it.
Uh...the majority of voters disagreed with you twice...maybe its because YOUR values are not those of the majority of Americans.
It's simple.... You had two choices.... either take personal responsibility and bring your own goodies by working hard to get ahead, in other words "become your own Santa Clause"...OR... vote FOR Santa Clause who will deliver the goodies to you. Hmmm....
Most voted for him, because he promised them free stuff. Well, maybe I shouldn't say free. I should say stuff paid for with other peoples money. Then their were the blacks, that only voted for him because he was black. Then you had the whites who wanted to say, I am not racist, I voted for the first black President. Add them all up and you have the first completely unqualified President, Barrack Hussein Obama.
Most voted for Obama because he has dark skin. The voters wanted to tell the world America isn't racist. He also promised to make greedy corporations and other rich people pay for their success. How dare they be rich while others are poor. He promised to stop climate change and lower sea levels. He was also going to put the dirty coal industry out of business and have us drive only electric cars and use only solar and wind power. Then he promised to bring us all together, cause peace in the world and put an end to what is left of racism. How's this working out for everyone. :sarcastic:
I have no problem with a Black President, I also have no problem with a Woman President. Just no Barry or Hillary Dillary Duck.
The man is an empty suit. If the low information voters had bothered to investigate him before voting for him things may have been different. He wasn't even a good Senator. He mostly voted present, not up or down. Couldn't make a decision then, still can't.
Uh...the majority of voters disagreed with you twice...maybe its because YOUR values are not those of the majority of Americans.
The American voter definitely handed his platform supporters their hat last November. I don't know anyone who wanted health insurance increases of 50% plus a $3,000 deductible. Even his own party treated him like the plague last year.
Can't give the American voter too much credit. Jonathan Gruber, the Obamacare architect said it best... "the American voter is stupid." At least he told the truth. Dems and libs are masters of disruption, avoidance and deterrence. They dangle shiny objects like racism to take the light off their inexperience. No one has time to fact check all these lies. But there's zero doubt we were taken-in on Obamacare, Benghazi, Fast-n-Futile and the IRS scandal. And if it should ever be found that he wasn't born here? Prison time with the brothers.
Uh...the majority of voters disagreed with you twice...maybe its because YOUR values are not those of the majority of Americans.

I think Bluestar99 answered it very well "Most voted for him, because he promised them free stuff. Well, maybe I shouldn't say free. I should say stuff paid for with other peoples money".

Did you get your phone?
ho hum...losers still complaining..let me check the facts..Obie is still president...the losers are not...
The BIGGEST reason we have obummer in the WH is because the so called "free press" never vetted him, have covered for him and carried his water! Our Founding Fathers put into our Constitution free speech and thought that a free press was what would be the USA's salvation. Little did they know that the MSM would become a bunch of socialist, commie bastards! If the press and media would do the job that our Founding Fathers intended for them to do obummer, Pelosi, Reid and every other lib would NEVER be elected to the town Dog Catcher!

Between the MSM and dumbing down the public education system, that is why we have so many low info idiots voting! Also we have obummer because the GOP continue to put total losers at the top of the ticket! That causes to many to say to heck with it and stay home!

I have never stayed home and NOT voted! I have had to hold my nose when I voted for McCain and Romney but I knew that obummer was much worse. I have been against obummer from day one! I have been called a racist because of my stance on obummer but my first reason was because this POS was from Chicago and NOBODY rises in C(r)ook County politics unless they are crooked and dirty. I knew nothing else about obummer then and he is even worse than I could ever imagine!!! My biggest fear is that he will never leave the WH! So far we have yet seen the GOP or anyone stand up to this POS!!!!

I swore a long time ago I would never spell his name with a capitol letter or would ever refer to obummer with his "so called" title. to me obummer is a man-child and the LEAST qualified person in ANY room he walks into!!!!
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The question you pose has baffled me for many years now. One possibility is they were voting to be stylish -- and we have paid a hell of a price for it.

People voted for him because he is such a gifted speaker and he makes promises to help the middle class, but only helps people using our money, food stamps etc. I have kids and grandkids that voted for him and would again if he could run for a third term. The wife and I are conservative. I think the kids pick up liberal ideas in school. Very few people can speak like him, Hitler being one, look where that got him.
ho hum...losers still complaining..let me check the facts..Obie is still president...the losers are not...
So you're an attorney who believes he's not bound by the United States constitution? What if he decides all pistol ammo is illegal... with his magic pen? You gonna agree then?
People voted for him because he is such a gifted speaker and he makes promises to help the middle class, but only helps people using our money, food stamps etc. I have kids and grandkids that voted for him and would again if he could run for a third term. The wife and I are conservative. I think the kids pick up liberal ideas in school. Very few people can speak like him, Hitler being one, look where that got him.
Yes, Adolph Hitler. Mesmerized his audiences. Another was JFK.
Uh...the majority of voters disagreed with you twice...maybe its because YOUR values are not those of the majority of Americans.

Interesting comment, but it ignores that the majority of voter eligible people don't vote. Those who don't vote shouldn't complain about the results. Those of us who do vote can complain with clear conscience.