Capo, my friend. I am very sorry you are having trouble with exercising your Second Amendment rights, as I have followed your trials and tribulations. The situation will never get any better in the People's Republic of Massachusetts as long as the voters keep electing politicians like Ted Kennedy and his ilk. I can understand Ted's position, after losing his brothers to people with guns, but neither of those attackers followed any gun laws, so the gun laws did nothing to protect Jack and Bobby. Depriving law-abiding citizens of the right to defend themselves does not make anyone safer. I understand someone once asked President Raegan how he felt about gun control after he was shot. He told the person, "I just wish it had happened in Arizona (where his in-laws lived)" When asked why, he replied, "Then 25 legally armed people would have taken care of the would-be assassin." Good luck in the future, and if you can, move to Arizona or Washington.