I'm new to this forum -- I just found it a few minutes ago via Google. I've recently become interested in obtaining a permit to carry license and this website looks like a very useful resource -- thank you to all who are responsible for its existence and content.
The question I have right now is with regards to "Permit Reciprocity". If I'm reading the map (USA Carry Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps) correctly, if I got my permit in Texas, the states shown in blue would also honor my permit (granted there may be some different policies for carrying in each state, but I would still be permitted to carry if I complied...) One of the states that accepts the Texas permit as valid is Minnesota. Now, if I look at Minnesota I see the states that honor Minnesota's carry permits and Texas (among others) are NOT one of them. While Texas permit holders can carry in Minnesota, Minnesota permit holders cannot carry in Texas. I fail to see how this is "Reciprocity" for Minnesota residents?
Can anyone provide some insight?
Thanks, Mike
I'm new to this forum -- I just found it a few minutes ago via Google. I've recently become interested in obtaining a permit to carry license and this website looks like a very useful resource -- thank you to all who are responsible for its existence and content.
The question I have right now is with regards to "Permit Reciprocity". If I'm reading the map (USA Carry Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps) correctly, if I got my permit in Texas, the states shown in blue would also honor my permit (granted there may be some different policies for carrying in each state, but I would still be permitted to carry if I complied...) One of the states that accepts the Texas permit as valid is Minnesota. Now, if I look at Minnesota I see the states that honor Minnesota's carry permits and Texas (among others) are NOT one of them. While Texas permit holders can carry in Minnesota, Minnesota permit holders cannot carry in Texas. I fail to see how this is "Reciprocity" for Minnesota residents?
Can anyone provide some insight?
Thanks, Mike