Why a permit?


Why is it that you have to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon? You do not, however, have to have a permit to carry openly. Far as I know, you can carry open all day long. I think the stipulation is that if it causes some sort of scene or alarms the public in any way that there are repercussions, but what are they?
as 2beararms stated, it varies from state to state and sometimes even within states. (Urban vs rural)..

I would actually prefer to conceal.. If I were to be able to open carry, you never know what kind of attention it will bring (many gun fighters in the old west were challenged because of their reputation). Also anybody doing something wrong, knows to look out for you.. But if you conceal.. The bad guys don't know who to worry about.. is it the guy that looks like a marine, or the 70 year old man from Louisville with a 40 faking the heart attack??? Is it the lady over there?? They just don't know..
This is becoming the norm in most areas, with exception to places such as Alaska, where CCW and open carry are legal with no permits. Our society has become a place where guns are not politically correct and alot of people freak out at the sight of a firearm. These sheltered and psycologically challenged individuals have trouble handling many things in life, and guns just happen to be one of them. Unfortunately, constant doses of 24 hour News, advice from "Experts" like Oprah and Dr. Phil, and Movies geared toward violence with guns, only make things worse, because they are recieving advice on firearms from people who haven't got the slightest clue as to the respectable use of firearms. Movies, the News, the "Experts", and our wonderful Politicians have all become so out of touch with reality and real people, that they have determined that "they" know what is best for you, the simple minded masses, who are unable to think and would kill and destroy each other, if it were not for their guidance and wisdom.

Their wisdom, is that guns are bad, people who have guns are evil, crazy or incompetent, and they and their guns need to be controlled for our own good. Therefore, carrying a gun in public where everyone is exposed to the severe danger of it "going off or something" while you carry it, is a very real danger in their minds. This also includes some Police Chiefs and Sheriffs, who "know better than you". I quote the former idiot Police Chief of Gonzales, LA, who arrested a person for open carry in a local strip mall. "We're not going to allow guns to be carried around Women and Children". I find it strange that Police Officers are totally immune to this danger and scrutiny, especially knowing how many officers have accidental/ negligent discharges every year. But that's just me. Anyway, you are looked upon as a bafoon who doesn't have the knowledge or skill to handle one, simply because you are not wearing a badge and uniform, therefore you are a danger to the public. You scare people, therefore you are a disturbance to the peace. Other people cannot determine if you have "bad intentions" with a gun. They are unable to determine that a man with his family and friends, eating a meal in a local cafe, isn't the same man wearing a ski mask, yelling and screaming "gimme yo money mo-fo or you gunna die." So since anti-gun people have NO common sense, No judgement, and NO sympathy for you and your families safety, the days of wearing a gun openly are about gone, except for a few places where people with common sense, actually outnumber (or out scream)the psycologically challenged anti-gun people.
simply because you are not wearing a badge and uniform, therefore you are a danger to the public.

I will tell you that I used to ride the NY Subway at night.. I was more afraid of the Barney Fife transit cop, straight out of the academy (that's why they were on the night shift) than I was the bad guys. Some of these guys were 125 lbs soaking wet.. I was more afraid they would accidentally shoot me if something happened than the bad guys..

Maybe is was just me... :to_pick_ones_nose:
I live In SC and have a ccp thats good in FL.but not in Georgia so what do you do when going through Georgia?:wacko:

There are two things you can. 1st with a SC CWP you can keep it in your console just like SC. 2nd and the best thing to do is send $20 to New Hampshire and get a NH Non-resident permit. Then you can carry in GA, AL and Miss.
This is becoming the norm in most areas, with exception to places such as Alaska, where CCW and open carry are legal with no permits. Our society has become a place where guns are not politically correct and alot of people freak out at the sight of a firearm. These sheltered and psycologically challenged individuals have trouble handling many things in life, and guns just happen to be one of them. Unfortunately, constant doses of 24 hour News, advice from "Experts" like Oprah and Dr. Phil, and Movies geared toward violence with guns, only make things worse, because they are recieving advice on firearms from people who haven't got the slightest clue as to the respectable use of firearms. Movies, the News, the "Experts", and our wonderful Politicians have all become so out of touch with reality and real people, that they have determined that "they" know what is best for you, the simple minded masses, who are unable to think and would kill and destroy each other, if it were not for their guidance and wisdom.

Their wisdom, is that guns are bad, people who have guns are evil, crazy or incompetent, and they and their guns need to be controlled for our own good. Therefore, carrying a gun in public where everyone is exposed to the severe danger of it "going off or something" while you carry it, is a very real danger in their minds. This also includes some Police Chiefs and Sheriffs, who "know better than you". I quote the former idiot Police Chief of Gonzales, LA, who arrested a person for open carry in a local strip mall. "We're not going to allow guns to be carried around Women and Children". I find it strange that Police Officers are totally immune to this danger and scrutiny, especially knowing how many officers have accidental/ negligent discharges every year. But that's just me. Anyway, you are looked upon as a bafoon who doesn't have the knowledge or skill to handle one, simply because you are not wearing a badge and uniform, therefore you are a danger to the public. You scare people, therefore you are a disturbance to the peace. Other people cannot determine if you have "bad intentions" with a gun. They are unable to determine that a man with his family and friends, eating a meal in a local cafe, isn't the same man wearing a ski mask, yelling and screaming "gimme yo money mo-fo or you gunna die." So since anti-gun people have NO common sense, No judgement, and NO sympathy for you and your families safety, the days of wearing a gun openly are about gone, except for a few places where people with common sense, actually outnumber (or out scream)the psycologically challenged anti-gun people.

Well said. NOW I UNDERSTAND. Just needed it put into a better perspective like you just did.
This is becoming the norm in most areas, with exception to places such as Alaska, where CCW and open carry are legal with no permits. Our society has become a place where guns are not politically correct and alot of people freak out at the sight of a firearm. These sheltered and psycologically challenged individuals have trouble handling many things in life, and guns just happen to be one of them. Unfortunately, constant doses of 24 hour News, advice from "Experts" like Oprah and Dr. Phil, and Movies geared toward violence with guns, only make things worse, because they are recieving advice on firearms from people who haven't got the slightest clue as to the respectable use of firearms. Movies, the News, the "Experts", and our wonderful Politicians have all become so out of touch with reality and real people, that they have determined that "they" know what is best for you, the simple minded masses, who are unable to think and would kill and destroy each other, if it were not for their guidance and wisdom.

Their wisdom, is that guns are bad, people who have guns are evil, crazy or incompetent, and they and their guns need to be controlled for our own good. Therefore, carrying a gun in public where everyone is exposed to the severe danger of it "going off or something" while you carry it, is a very real danger in their minds. This also includes some Police Chiefs and Sheriffs, who "know better than you". I quote the former idiot Police Chief of Gonzales, LA, who arrested a person for open carry in a local strip mall. "We're not going to allow guns to be carried around Women and Children". I find it strange that Police Officers are totally immune to this danger and scrutiny, especially knowing how many officers have accidental/ negligent discharges every year. But that's just me. Anyway, you are looked upon as a bafoon who doesn't have the knowledge or skill to handle one, simply because you are not wearing a badge and uniform, therefore you are a danger to the public. You scare people, therefore you are a disturbance to the peace. Other people cannot determine if you have "bad intentions" with a gun. They are unable to determine that a man with his family and friends, eating a meal in a local cafe, isn't the same man wearing a ski mask, yelling and screaming "gimme yo money mo-fo or you gunna die." So since anti-gun people have NO common sense, No judgement, and NO sympathy for you and your families safety, the days of wearing a gun openly are about gone, except for a few places where people with common sense, actually outnumber (or out scream)the psycologically challenged anti-gun people.

I Love everything you said here,BRAVO !!!!!!
Vemont and Alaska require no permit for open carry. I believe they are the last frontiers. CT (home state) doesn't specify with its permit, but i always opt for CCW because open carry gives away the tactical advantage that could save my or my family's lives in a pinch. Also because people would freakfreakfreak.

100 years ago almost everyone in the country came from a farm, or had family "back home at the farm" where firearms were just tools to be used daily. There was little mystique or fear associated with them, assuming they weren't pointed at you. Today? The citified masses read about daily gun-crimes from articles written by left-wing nutjob reporters, edited by leftwing nutjob editors, none of whom has likely ever seen a real gun, let alone shot one or been trained in firearm safety.

Then the boobtube is plastered with shows where the "heros" commit violation after violation of safety rules, like running after a perp with your finger on the trigger and the hammer cocked. Guns have become evil, if you listen to idiots like Bloomberg. They are magical, darkly evil creations that can snatch your chilldren from bed in the middle of the night, shoot you down all by themselves. Instead of blaming the MFs using guns in crimes, these people illogically blame the guns themselves, and you and i by implication.

So that's why you need a permit. So the government can raise a few extra bucks and pretend it is reducing the crime rate with its gun-control laws. We all know, you don't get a CCW so you can go rob the 7-11, and so does the government, but that's where it is. We also know that the more CCWs issued, the lower the crime rate drops. So maybe requiring permits really does reduce crime?

Now i'm confused.
listen to this. I live in mass, you need a "licence to carry" to even buy a gun, hell you cant even go into a gun store and hold a gun without a licence!!

The states have decided they can cash in on honest citizens 2A right that you should be able to exercise for free.
Hay Redhat...
Just went threw the licenceing process in NH. Resident licence is $10.00. As of January 1st 2010, non-resident licence is $100.00.
Almost any fee for any licence or permit is now $100.00. Heck my C.D.L.-A drivers licence was $65.00. We are a Shall Issue state.
Request form is only one page and very simple. No felonies, No court declaration of mental illness. No conviction for domestic violence. You have non of these, you have you licence in 14 days. Thats the law here. Made my first concealed carry whilw Obama was jaming something down my throat.:sarcastic:

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