jake russell
New member
which is the best gun springfeid xd or the taurus judge or ruger p series guns Thanks Jake
I have a Taurus Judge Ultra-light. It makes a great self defense weapon. I think it is a better choice to use it as a home weapon with other gun options as a carry but you could carry this. A little large to conceal easily. 3"barrel but that longer cylinder adds to the size. ++++ It's fun to shoot!That's a really complicated question. What do you plan on using it for?
If you want to shoot snakes, use the Judge. I'm not sold on .410 as a defensive handgun load, however. You only get 3 or 4 pellets of 00 buckshot per shell, and the slugs have much less energy than a decent .45 Colt. If you want to use the .45 Colt, you can get a good revolver with a much smaller cylinder than the Judge, probably for less money.
Both the XD and the Ruger P-series are great guns. I own neither, but wouldn't hesitate to carry either of them. The XD has the edge in ammunition capacity (it's hard to argue with 13+1 in .45ACP). The Ruger is also available with an alloy frame if you don't like polymer. The Ruger is also made in America, and you can probably get it cheaper.
Bottom line, if you want a polymer-frame, striker-fired weapon, the XD is one the best available. If you want to spend a little less and have a hammer-fired weapon with a decocker, go with the Ruger. But don't ignore the other options out there...
I get what you're saying, and I imagine that it does do quite a number on pumpkins or watermelons. But given the testing linked to further up the thread, until I see real ballistics data, (or a real life self defense story) I'm going to have to lean on the "not that great for SD" side. That's not to say that I would want to get shot by the thing. I just want to know that it will stop whatever crazed being I deploy it against.I have a Taurus Judge Ultra-light. It makes a great self defense weapon. I think it is a better choice to use it as a home weapon with other gun options as a carry but you could carry this. A little large to conceal easily. 3"barrel but that longer cylinder adds to the size. ++++ It's fun to shoot!
Stopping power? You have to shoot the thing and see for yourself. The .45 long Colt is a pretty large caliber. The .410 works just great. I find the Federal self defense .410 in #4 shot works well but the 000 buckshot is amazing. In either case those loads for self defense are devastating.
You can ever use both in the cylinder at same time. Maybe the first shot is the .45 colt. followed by three .410 then another .45. You can decide for yourself depending on your own personal tactical theory.
which is the best gun springfeid xd or the taurus judge or ruger p series guns Thanks Jake
I have a Taurus Judge Ultra-light. It makes a great self defense weapon. I think it is a better choice to use it as a home weapon with other gun options as a carry but you could carry this. A little large to conceal easily. 3"barrel but that longer cylinder adds to the size. ++++ It's fun to shoot!
Stopping power? You have to shoot the thing and see for yourself. The .45 long Colt is a pretty large caliber. The .410 works just great. I find the Federal self defense .410 in #4 shot works well but the 000 buckshot is amazing. In either case those loads for self defense are devastating.
You can ever use both in the cylinder at same time. Maybe the first shot is the .45 colt. followed by three .410 then another .45. You can decide for yourself depending on your own personal tactical theory.
I'd be inclined to agree with you. I just think at the shorter range that this gun is good for that a lighter JHP long colt.45 would do the trick. Plus I like the way I can mix it up in the same cylinder with the .410.Capgun,
Don't bet on a JHP from that short barrel Judge working as advertised. You don't have enough barrel to generate enough velocity to get them to work reliably. I tried a maximum charge of HP-38 and Bullseye under a 200gr bullet in .44 Special (which is about equivalent to a .45 Colt velocity wise) out of a 3" barrel and never got better than 700fps at the muzzle as per my Pact chronograph. I was getting gas cutting and leading the barrel up REALLY bad with lead bullets, but no meaningful increase in velocity and the jacketed rounds were no better. I quickly dropped using the .44 Special 200gr Silvertip and went to the Federal .44 Special 200gr LSWC-HP (an unjacketed semi wad cutter hollow point) because it's made with a very soft alloy and soft lead WILL expand better than the jacketed round will at those velocities.
In a 3" .45 Colt, I'd find an unjacketed round to use. Federal makes the all lead SWC-HP in a 225gr for the .45 Colt and there's lighter weight rounds out on the market as well. Going to a 185gr may help but you still only can do so much with a short barrel.
Personal testing useing stacked paper has shown the Judge with a 410 oo buck in it is not a threat stopping rd, unless your literaly on top of the guy, the short barrel will give insuficent velocity to be instantly lethal, the 45 colt is a better choice rd, even at that it would be a short range deal, in some case's 00 buck mostly bounce's off a car's front or rear window, here again unless your on top of what your shooting at, the 45 cartridge will give you a bit more range, honestly can not rec for a carry/defence weapon, go with a 45acp 40 S&W or 9mm all of which make better self defence weapons