Which group (NRA, GOA, etc) would you call?


New member
When considering which groups to join to support 2nd amendment rights, there's another consideration. Which groups, if any, help people out directly when they are forced to exercise those rights?

Suppose your home is invaded, you use a firearm to defend yourself, and the police have come and started asking lots of questions? Will the NRA help you find a good attorney? Will they coach you on how to handle local TV and newspaper reporters that might try to discredit you?

So, which between the NRA, GOA, or other groups could you call in one of these situations to help you out at the point where the self defense videos stop?

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I truly do not know about the answer to your question. No organization is perfect, but I am a big supporter of the NRA
I am not Jewish but I think the JPO is the group I would call.However I know of help being provided by NRA members but not NRA group.The Jews have the most resent prof in history that gun control is people control. This time some of them will be in line with us when it is crossed.
You don't indicate where you live, Bry, so it's hard to say. The GOA provides for assistance for 'harassment'...
GOA's Legal Defense Program:
Aid is given to gun owners who are being harassed by government officials. GOA's resources have enabled defense attorneys to win stunning courtroom victories.
(SOURCE: http://www.gunowners.org/benefits.htm)

...but I wasn't able to find anything similar on the NRA site. In fairness, it is the NRA who has been at the tip of the spear in maintaining action to protect our 2A Rights, other complaints notwithstanding. The GOA, however, seems to be more actve...activist!...in addressing these concerns.

You could always contact your State organization to see if they have someone they recommend who'll step up to mount a defense for you...most States have an attorney-of-preference for such things. Here in NJ and PA the name Evan Nappen is well known. You probably have someone similar in your area. One of his successes here in the PRNJ can be found HERE.

Good Luck! Keep in touch. Welcome to the neighborhood.
While there are several good organizations, it seems The Second Amendment Foundation keeps popping up as going to the aide of gun owners in need. They've helped with lawyers and defense on several occasions. The NRA (at least in my mind) is more of a political organization with a strong lobby presence. It should be noted that contributions to The Second Amendment Foundation are tax deductible while those to the NRA are not.
I would not call any group. I would not say anything to anybody until I talked to a lawyer. After all you do have a right to remain silent and I would in this case....
The NRA offers more benefits to its members than any of the other pro 2A organizations out there. Sure, its membership costs more, but it's worth it, if you utilize it fully.
Which group?

I am not too sure about how to answer this question, but if I were able to, I would join several of them. I am not positive, but I do believe thatNRA and maybe a couple of others can direct one to a lawyer if they need one.
When considering which groups to join to support 2nd amendment rights, there's another consideration. Which groups, if any, help people out directly when they are forced to exercise those rights?

Suppose your home is invaded, you use a firearm to defend yourself, and the police have come and started asking lots of questions? Will the NRA help you find a good attorney? Will they coach you on how to handle local TV and newspaper reporters that might try to discredit you?

So, which between the NRA, GOA, or other groups could you call in one of these situations to help you out at the point where the self defense videos stop?

The Answer to what you are asking is this group called "ASDI" they are a forum sponsor. Here is some stuff from their website.

HELP When You Need it Most

Suppose one night you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to defend yourself (or your family). And let's say that you manage to defend yourself successfully. Now what, you go home to your family? Maybe, maybe not.

Or maybe the police arrive, and guess what, you have to defend yourself again. That's right, you may have done something they feel is improper, or your assailant may decide to sue you. Sound preposterous?

It happens everyday.

Let's face it, it's too late to change what happened during that split second that you had to defend yourself (although the ASDI Newsletter might have better prepared you).

However, how you handle your questioning by the police will have far reaching effects that can change your life forever. Remember, this is a critical point. What you say will also determine the available options for your defense. On the other hand, if you don't talk, the police may have no choice but to take you into custody.

The choices you make- when you know you're not thinking at your clearest...and worse yet, you're the ONLY non-professional present.

How would you feel about having an 800 number, that you could call for legal counsel - before you say anything you wished you hadn't? That's right, a number you could call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for assistance.

The right to protect your family and yourself is fundamental.

The responsibility rests with you. You can either hope that no members of your family will be touched by crime, or you can prepare yourself and your loved ones to survive such an incident

Here is there website . Link Removed

They get you a lawyer free for the fist 72 hours.

Here is a topic on the forums about it.

Link Removed, for sure. You have to pay to join, but it's not much ($49.95/year) for the peace of mind you'll have. They are accessible 24/7 and will supply a lawyer for you immediately for the 1st 72 hours.