Where do you guys shoot?

Here in the good ol' PRMA. What clubs are you guys members of?
Well, I guess I'll start since no one else has. First off I'm from NH, so I do not qualify here...lol! But, since You asked, The Only club I have gone to is Country Pond in Newton, NH. Cannot tell you much about it because I'm not a member there, I was a guest. Brought me there to Trap shoot which I never did before and I had a great time! As far as other clubs, nothing at all. I do not want to join any either. I can happily shoot here in my back yard.
In MA. near where I work I think there is one but I do not know the name of it. It is in Woburn settled somewhere between Olympia Ave. and Salem street's. Pretty much what is called "Cummings Park" area. I believe the entrance is on Salem St. side. I see sign's posted in the woods along Olympia Ave......KEEP OUT/SHOOTING RANGE. Funny, I never hear any shooting during the day. Do You know the place I'm speaking of?
(oh, not to go off topic.......I did get a toy today. I'll have to take a photo and post it for ya.....nice.........)
Well, I guess I'll start since no one else has. First off I'm from NH, so I do not qualify here...lol! But, since You asked, The Only club I have gone to is Country Pond in Newton, NH. Cannot tell you much about it because I'm not a member there, I was a guest. Brought me there to Trap shoot which I never did before and I had a great time! As far as other clubs, nothing at all. I do not want to join any either. I can happily shoot here in my back yard.
In MA. near where I work I think there is one but I do not know the name of it. It is in Woburn settled somewhere between Olympia Ave. and Salem street's. Pretty much what is called "Cummings Park" area. I believe the entrance is on Salem St. side. I see sign's posted in the woods along Olympia Ave......KEEP OUT/SHOOTING RANGE. Funny, I never hear any shooting during the day. Do You know the place I'm speaking of?
(oh, not to go off topic.......I did get a toy today. I'll have to take a photo and post it for ya.....nice.........)

haha I know the exact place your talking about. I went to a computer school that was right up the street near the 99 corporate office. I want to check the place out. I am currently a member of the Danvers Fish and Game club. Love the place. Would like to be a member of multiple places just to keep my options open. Take a pic man! I want to see some new toys haha
Having a hard time dowloading photo on here. Hopefully soon! I work around the corner from the 99 Corporate office.
I belong to a great indoor range club in Malden. (The Mystic Valley Gun Cub) The limits of handgun use only, isn't a problem. The best part is that you get an access badge, and you can go anytime to shoot. I have taken my son at 11PM, and my wife even later. I believe that they have a websight to get any info, if interested. I enjoy being able to take my time, shoot as many handguns for practice, going into the back room, and cleaning everything before I go home.
Lowell Sportsman's Club and Tewksbury Rod and Gun Club. Member at both. Both are active in pistol league, trap, skeet, and rifle. Both have great ranges with Lowell better outdoors and Tewksbury better indoors.
Andover Sportsmaen Club

$130 per year $200 Initial fee

Andover Sportsmen's Club

I looked at that place, but they have a 5 round limit? wtf is that about? and you can only bring 3 guests a year? F that!!!! I never shoot alone

Im looking at Georgetown fish and game, they do have a 6 round limit, but no limit on how many guests. The only thing, it is outdoor only (only shoot during light)
I looked at that place, but they have a 5 round limit? wtf is that about? and you can only bring 3 guests a year? F that!!!! I never shoot alone

Im looking at Georgetown fish and game, No limit on rounds (well 10 of course) no limit on how many guests. The only thing, it is outdoor only (only shoot during light)

Check out Tewksbury, That's a great club.
Check out Tewksbury, That's a great club.

yah, they still have crazy restrictions. At the indoor range you MUST put the target all the way back to the 50 ft wall. wtf, I need to have the target less than 25. Why cant the clubs have the same rules as the expensive pay everytime range.. The range I go to is $20 an hour, but I can put the target 6" infront of me if I want. Why are these morons trying to restict everything
yah, they still have crazy restrictions. At the indoor range you MUST put the target all the way back to the 50 ft wall. wtf, I need to have the target less than 25. Why cant the clubs have the same rules as the expensive pay everytime range.. The range I go to is $20 an hour, but I can put the target 6" infront of me if I want. Why are these morons trying to restict everything

I agree, but I think the main factor is called INSURANCE LIABILITY. Sad, huh? As soon as lawyers/insurance companies are involved, everything gets F'd up.
I looked at that place, but they have a 5 round limit? wtf is that about? and you can only bring 3 guests a year? F that!!!! I never shoot alone

Im looking at Georgetown fish and game, No limit on rounds (well 10 of course) no limit on how many guests. The only thing, it is outdoor only (only shoot during light)

That's about safety bro. A semi-auto pistol could malfunction, you never know. It's good for everyone., ya know it's the rule, and without rules there is only chaos.
Where I shoot

Smith & Wesson Shooting sports center in Springfield (Probably the best indoor range in the country)

Springfield Sportsmans' Club in Monson (A GREAT outdoor club with handgun, rifle, trap and skeet, private hunting land etc...)
Somerset Sportsman's Club, Swansea MA. Somerset Sportsman's Club Home

$100/yr. $50 initiation, $25 legal fee 1st yr. 2 trap fields, one lighted. Ranges 25, 50, 100, 200 and 300 yard. Lot of land. Private hunting, brook and pond, bird stocking.

Mansfield Fish & Game Protective Association, Mansfield MA. Link Removed

$100/yr, $100 initiation fee goes to indoor range buiding fund. 50 and 100 yard ranges, covered shooting lines, very good and tall side berms and impact area. Canoe River passes by it.

Am a life member, not close! NRA Whittington Center, Raton NM. NRAWC Homepage

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