Where can't you carry in pa?


New member
I swore you couldn't carry in a bar but I just read on here that you could. Anyone know if you can or can't? Where else can't you carry?

Don't know the PA, laws on carry, But in SC. you Can't carry in any place that serves alcohl, bar, resturant, etc.
Don't know the PA, laws on carry, But in SC. you Can't carry in any place that serves alcohl, bar, resturant, etc.

I had thought that to be true in PA also (sort of). I thought that you can carry in a restaurant that has a bar - you just can't go to the bar area.

Off-Limits Areas

K-12 School Property - see 18 Pa. C.S. § 912

Court Facilities - see 18 Pa. C.S. § 913

Casinos - see 18 Pa. Code § 465a.13

State Parks - see 17 Pa. Code § 11.215

Dept. of State Capitol Complex buildings in Harrisburg - see 49 Pa. Code § 61.3

Bars, churches, public gatherings, shopping malls and sports stadiums are all okay. The Pa. Code violations are summary offenses, except for 18 Pa. Code § 465a.13, which apparently has no penalty.

Concerning carry on school property (concealed is highly recommended), an affirmative defense is made for "lawful purposes". To date, no LTCF holder has ever been prosecuted for carrying on school property, and no court has clearly defined what "lawful purposes" entails.
From that link I found:

"*Colleges are not prohibited by law, however the college could levy their own infractions like expelling the person or other civil punishments."

So in effect, campus bans are just as unconstitutional as the DC ban. Why haven't we pushed this issue?
Bars, churches, public gatherings, shopping malls and sports stadiums are all okay. The Pa. Code violations are summary offenses, except for 18 Pa. Code § 465a.13, which apparently has no penalty.

WOAH...I got a pat down when I went to see a Phillies game in Philadelphia last weekend. I wasn't carrying but if I was it would have been ok?!?!?
I beleive any establishment has the right to ban firearms within their premises, however a clear posting of said policy is required. Further, if you are asked to removed your weapon from a location I beleive you are required to do so.
WOAH...I got a pat down when I went to see a Phillies game in Philadelphia last weekend. I wasn't carrying but if I was it would have been ok?!?!?

Legally, you would be perfectly OK to carry into a Phillies game in Philly, provided you have an LTCF. However, the stadium is private property, and they have the right to deny you entrance for pretty much whatever reason. I'm sure weapons are one of those reasons, so they would have told you to leave.

But they couldn't do anything to you in terms of law. Then again, it IS Philly, so I'm sure the police would have tried to make your life difficult for a while...
As for places illegal to carry in PA...

K-12 schools are a grey area. It is illegal to carry on school property unless you have a "lawful purpose", which is extremely vague. Nobody has been tried for it as of yet -- probably because no prosecutor's office wants to have a precedent against them set.

Secure areas of airports are off limits while other areas are perfectly fine. Casinos are also out, as are court facilities.

If you want an entire list, google the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act.

Or just click <A HREF="http://reference.pafoa.org/statutes/PA/18/II/G/61/A/uniform-firearms-act/">here.</A>
I thought I remembered someone saying you couldn't carry in Philly. I just came back today from a few weeks working down there. Let me say, EVERYONE should carry there. I thought Boston was bad! People get shot there every day, and cops getting shot too.
I had thought that to be true in PA also (sort of). I thought that you can carry in a restaurant that has a bar - you just can't go to the bar area.

You can carry into any restaurant...any bar...and

I was told that you can carry in a bar, but you can't drink alcohol.
However, be wary of carry in the post office!

You can even drink....there are no carry/alcohol restrictions in PA

From that link I found:

"*Colleges are not prohibited by law, however the college could levy their own infractions like expelling the person or other civil punishments."

So in effect, campus bans are just as unconstitutional as the DC ban. Why haven't we pushed this issue?

College campuses are private property...

I beleive any establishment has the right to ban firearms within their premises, however a clear posting of said policy is required. Further, if you are asked to removed your weapon from a location I beleive you are required to do so.

Posting is not required...any establishment can request you leave at any time...

Legally, you would be perfectly OK to carry into a Phillies game in Philly, provided you have an LTCF. However, the stadium is private property, and they have the right to deny you entrance for pretty much whatever reason. I'm sure weapons are one of those reasons, so they would have told you to leave.

But they couldn't do anything to you in terms of law. Then again, it IS Philly, so I'm sure the police would have tried to make your life difficult for a while...

Technically, the stadium is owned by the city of Philadelphia...it is leased by the Phillies...and they set the admission standards.

I thought I remembered someone saying you couldn't carry in Philly. I just came back today from a few weeks working down there. Let me say, EVERYONE should carry there. I thought Boston was bad! People get shot there every day, and cops getting shot too.

A PA LTCF....or any out of state license honored by PA...is good throughout the entire state. The thing with Philly is you can OC anywhere in the state without a license...EXCEPT in Philly. You must have a license to carry in any fashion inside the city limits.
Thanks for clearing that up. Never know when I'll get called back to work there. It was pretty weird just walking into Walmart and asking for a box of ammo and buying it like so much candy. I guess we've been conditioned in this communist state of assachusetts to feel like a criminal whenever we buy guns or ammo. Really sick of this state.
Isn't it sad that it's the big cities like Philadelphia that hate gun owners, is where you need protection the most?

Philadelphia tries to run it's own show, but they are still under the Pennsylvania state laws like the rest of us.
I have heard that they do make it difficult to get a concealed carry permit, which is why they hate Utah and Florida non-resident permits and they have tried to start legislation to make the Pennsylvania CCW permit residents only.

Will everyone ever have the guts to play by the same set of rules ???
I guess the "No" answer is why I own guns !!!
Thanks for clearing that up. Never know when I'll get called back to work there. It was pretty weird just walking into Walmart and asking for a box of ammo and buying it like so much candy. I guess we've been conditioned in this communist state of assachusetts to feel like a criminal whenever we buy guns or ammo. Really sick of this state.

It could be worse!
This shouldn't be too surprising, but in New Jersey Wal-Marts, they don't sell ammunition, at least in the one near where I work.

WOAH...I got a pat down when I went to see a Phillies game in Philadelphia last weekend. I wasn't carrying but if I was it would have been ok?!?!?

Went to Phils game with family in July. Left handgun in car but so used to carrying Gerber foldable knife in pocket I forgot about it.Security patted me found knife. Was told to leave it with them (could not getit back) or return to car with it . Was not about to give up $65.00 knife, went back to car, and missed HR hit by J Werth:angry:

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