Where Can I Carry? Where Can't I Carry?


lowly crusader
Hey All,

I am currently overseas in the army, but I am an Alabamian, and I plan on getting a Concealed Carry Permit when I am back in Alabama. I looked at lots of different websites about Alabama's Right to Carry Laws and I couldn't seem to find more information about where exactly you can't carry. I know you can't carry at a public deomonstration, but what about some public buildings? You might have all seen those signs at the Library or some Community Arts center that says no firearms allowed.Can they prevent one from carrying concealed legally at public sanctioned buildings, I guess if a private establishment (i.e. a resturant) doesn't want concealed firearms it has to post. But I wasn't aware that public buildings could restrict Right to Carry.

Any info would be great, just trying to get better informed. I wouldn't want to carry somewhere I might be seen as the bad guy!?

Thanks CCW375 for the link. I looked there before and I couldn't find any more information that I needed. I mean can I take them into public places like a Public Library, or a Community Arts Center, or say Public Parks, etc. If it is posted do they really have the right by Alabama state law to prohibt Concealed Carry at such locations? Sorry I need it dumbed down so much, I just would rather be safe than sorry.
Just carry

I carry everywhere... If you are non LEO avoid carrying in the court house. Other than that, carry wherever you want. I do. If your weapon is effectively concealed, there is never an issue.
I carry everywhere... If you are non LEO avoid carrying in the court house. Other than that, carry wherever you want. I do. If your weapon is effectively concealed, there is never an issue.

Yeah that is what I figured. My father always said that the court house was pretty much always off limits, but he has the same idea as you. Carry everywhere else! I agree, I mean its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. I am sure that no good old Alabama jury would charge someone for saving a person's life if one were to carry where its posted that one shouldn't.
Where can I carry?

Yeah that is what I figured. My father always said that the court house was pretty much always off limits, but he has the same idea as you. Carry everywhere else! I agree, I mean its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. I am sure that no good old Alabama jury would charge someone for saving a person's life if one were to carry where its posted that one shouldn't.

I am sure that the recent assassination of the abortion doctor in church again proves that to protect yourself, and those around you there should be no restrictions to carry anywhere in the state. I recently went to the court house to return my voting form (for an early vote) and when I entered the door there were 6 deputies standing by the entrance to the metal detector. No one even looked at me until all the bells and whistles started going off. I really did not even think about leaving my pistol in my truck. They were nice about it, didn't even ask me to see my permit.

As a veteran of the Vietnam war I have carried since 1967. I have watched our 2nd amendment rights being slowly chipped away all these years. It may start with "you can't carry in a public building," but that is not where it ends. As we all know most of these type of regulations make as much sense as "No Criminals Allowed" signs outside Quick Marts and liquor stores. :to_pick_ones_nose:
Uab er

Interestingly enough, I had an incident last night where I entered one of those "no carry" public places. I had to take my wife to the ER at the University of Alabama Birmingham for a kidney stone. She was in awful pain so we decided to go so she could get a stronger pain reliever. Anyway, as soon as I entered the building, I encountered two UAB police officers and a walk through metal detector. Before I even walked through it, I declared that I was CCW. The officer waved me on through and had me check my firearm at the office. He also asked to see my permit. I was given a property receipt and my firearm was secured in the office safe. It was only then that I was permitted to enter the ER lobby.
I was told I couldn't carry in the Children's Hospital ER, but I already had left it in the car. The post offices are posted as a no carry zone. Other than that, I have carried in movie theaters, restaurants, libraries, sheriffs office, church...you name it....even OC in stores and on people's property at estate sales with no problems. I love Alabama!
The only place I have carried that makes me nervous is on public school property for football games, but I wasn't a student and it was concealed, so no problems. But you know how people get about guns in schools. (I work in media so I arrive at the field early before the games and don't go through any metal detectors, even when they have them at the front gate.)
I was told I couldn't carry in the Children's Hospital ER, but I already had left it in the car. The post offices are posted as a no carry zone. Other than that, I have carried in movie theaters, restaurants, libraries, sheriffs office, church...you name it....even OC in stores and on people's property at estate sales with no problems. I love Alabama!
The only place I have carried that makes me nervous is on public school property for football games, but I wasn't a student and it was concealed, so no problems. But you know how people get about guns in schools. (I work in media so I arrive at the field early before the games and don't go through any metal detectors, even when they have them at the front gate.)

Hehe... I have been to several high school football games this year and CC'd while there:biggrin: My step daughter plays trumpet in the marching band... Anyway, my firearm was concealed so nobody ever knew... "don't ask, don't tell" policy. You are right though, ever since the Columbine incident, everybody gets worked up into a lather when firearms and schools are mentioned in the same sentence!!
Hey All,

I am currently overseas in the army, but I am an Alabamian, and I plan on getting a Concealed Carry Permit when I am back in Alabama. I looked at lots of different websites about Alabama's Right to Carry Laws and I couldn't seem to find more information about where exactly you can't carry. I know you can't carry at a public deomonstration, but what about some public buildings? You might have all seen those signs at the Library or some Community Arts center that says no firearms allowed.Can they prevent one from carrying concealed legally at public sanctioned buildings, I guess if a private establishment (i.e. a resturant) doesn't want concealed firearms it has to post. But I wasn't aware that public buildings could restrict Right to Carry.

Any info would be great, just trying to get better informed. I wouldn't want to carry somewhere I might be seen as the bad guy!?

As I understand it here's where you can't carry:

-- Public demonstration which includes political demonstration and may or may not include events such as sports
-- Court house, federal buildings, airports, etc.
-- Any restrictions placed on your license by the sheriff in that county which may mean establishments that serve alcohol

I have some of the same questions you have though. I assume all other public buildings are fine as well as any other private establishment legally. Now the owner of the establishment could likely ban you from the place in the future but I think you are well within your right legally.

Here's what my license says...

"License to carry a revolver or a pistol concealed on the person, or in a vehicle is hereby granted, except in a courthouse and criminal justice building by order of the Sheriff."

My license also restricts when you are drinking or using illegal drugs (obviously) as well as when you are in establishments that serve alcohol. I don't have a fundamental issue with establishments that serve alcohol since I will never strap on a gun and go bar hopping. However, it is possible that I go out to eat and not be drinking such as a chain like Chili's and that wouldn't be legal.

I lived in south Alabama for a while and my license there had no restrictions in terms of drinking or going into establishments that serve alcohol. So some of that depends on the Sheriff in your county.

Hope it helps...

This information was helpful! Thanks! I just got my permit last friday (24th of Sep 10) I too love Bama!!! Walked in n less than 20 mins latter I had it. Went to the local "gun store" (a store which sells evarythang imaginable from furniture, guitars, tvs, guns....) and bought a Ruger P944.... Still getting used to having a handgun so most of the time it is not loaded but am getting better.

As I understand it here's where you can't carry:

-- Public demonstration which includes political demonstration and may or may not include events such as sports
-- Court house, federal buildings, airports, etc.
-- Any restrictions placed on your license by the sheriff in that county which may mean establishments that serve alcohol

I have some of the same questions you have though. I assume all other public buildings are fine as well as any other private establishment legally. Now the owner of the establishment could likely ban you from the place in the future but I think you are well within your right legally.

Here's what my license says...

"License to carry a revolver or a pistol concealed on the person, or in a vehicle is hereby granted, except in a courthouse and criminal justice building by order of the Sheriff."

My license also restricts when you are drinking or using illegal drugs (obviously) as well as when you are in establishments that serve alcohol. I don't have a fundamental issue with establishments that serve alcohol since I will never strap on a gun and go bar hopping. However, it is possible that I go out to eat and not be drinking such as a chain like Chili's and that wouldn't be legal.

I lived in south Alabama for a while and my license there had no restrictions in terms of drinking or going into establishments that serve alcohol. So some of that depends on the Sheriff in your county.

Hope it helps...

Your post got me thinking about what mine said... I live in Wilcox county (aight yall stop laughin lol) My license is completely unrestricted...here is what mine says "State of Alabama Pistol License Unrestricted". Of course if you are under the influence of drugs or alchohol the license is invalid, which is good. Drunks kill enough people w/ cars. Seems like every county has its own set of rules.
By law, the two places you can't carry is a demonstration or private property where it is posted. However, the demonstration law violates the right of assembly, free speech as well as the RKBA. You are not allowed to carry in post offices since it is federal property or any federal property or building. There is no state law stopping you from carrying in court houses, etc. But they will stop you nonetheless. For more info, go Welcome To Alabama Open Carry!.
I agree with most everyone here, I've checked my handgun at the courthouse at the metal detector with the 3 or 4 officers on duty there on my way to court for my speeding ticket. Everywhere else i carry appropriately concealed and no one knows. Just make sure your not "printing" before you leave the house.
I carried in the Birmingham zoo last year. No signs said I couldn't, and the law says nothing about zoos.

On a different but related matter, I saw that a judge (can't remember the state) has just ruled that the Post Office cannot prohibit firearms left in your car in their parking lot.

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