When to renew concealed carry permit


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My concealed carry permit expires in 3 months. Can anyone tell me how soon should I apply for a renewal, and will the renewal extend from three years from the date my current permit expires or from the date I apply or from the date it is issued or when? Thanks!
None of us can tell you that, because you haven't told us what state you are licensed in! I could help you only if it's Kentucky
The West Virginia legislature passed Constitutional carry by over-riding the governor's veto last week.

"March 7, 2016 4:15 pm

The West Virginia legislature successfully overturned the veto of Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s veto on Saturday in a bipartisan effort to enact permitless gun carry in the state.

Beginning June 5, anyone over age 21 who can legally possess a firearm will be allowed to carry it concealed on their person without having to obtain a permit. West Virginia has long allowed permitless open carry but, like most states, required a permit to carry a concealed firearm. With the new law the state will become the eighth in the nation to implement what gun rights activists call “constitutional carry.”
West Virginia Legalizes Concealed Carry Without a Permit
Depends on the state. There is a limit of how many days before the expiration date you can apply, I think it is 90 in NC. In NC, if I apply for renewal before it expires the existing is valid until the renewal is approved (or denied)
Sorry - Guess I thought it would be understood

None of us can tell you that, because you haven't told us what state you are licensed in! I could help you only if it's Kentucky

I posted this in the West Virginia Discussion, so assumed people would know I was speaking about West Virginia. Sorry for not being clearer.
Since my first post, I went down to the Sheriff's office and was told that I could apply any time, but they suggested I apply one month before the permit expires. The representative with whom I spoke also told me that the renewal would not extend for 5 years from the date my current permit expires, but for 5 years from the date the sheriff signs off on the renewal - and that is why the representative suggested waiting until 1 month prior to the expiration of my current permit.
There must be something that I am missing. If West Virginia is ending the requirement for a concealed carry license after June 5, why do you need to renew?

"The West Virginia legislature successfully overturned the veto of Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s veto on Saturday in a bipartisan effort to enact permitless gun carry in the state.

Beginning June 5, anyone over age 21 who can legally possess a firearm will be allowed to carry it concealed on their person without having to obtain a permit".
West Virginia Legalizes Concealed Carry Without a Permit

There was nothing wrong with your not identifying your state. People were just too lazy to look at the top of the page.
There must be something that I am missing. If West Virginia is ending the requirement for a concealed carry license after June 5, why do you need to renew?

"The West Virginia legislature successfully overturned the veto of Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s veto on Saturday in a bipartisan effort to enact permitless gun carry in the state.

Beginning June 5, anyone over age 21 who can legally possess a firearm will be allowed to carry it concealed on their person without having to obtain a permit".
West Virginia Legalizes Concealed Carry Without a Permit

There was nothing wrong with your not identifying your state. People were just too lazy to look at the top of the page.

WV residents who want to carry legally in the 36 other states that honor the WV permit - will want the permit. The permit process HAS NOT CHANGED one bit. There IS a $50.00 TAX CREDIT offered to WV residents who get a permit AFTER the effective date of the bill (June 5, 2016). The "Constitutional Carry" is ONLY good inside the State of WV - both for residents and non-residents alike. That's HUGE, since WV would not - and still will not - issue permits to non-residents.
Excuse the hell out of me for being so lazy, Quiet Observer! I was trying to answer the gentleman's question on the thread, and didn't notice the subforums at the top of the page! Now I know to do that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, so you won't feel compelled to insult me or others in the future. And, I think there is something you are missing; something called courteousness.
Just to calm folks down a bit, y'all should understand that there are a couple of ways that people can get to this part of the forum without clicking through from Top Forum/State Forums/West Virginia Forum. One way is to to click on the "New Posts" link in the upper-left corner of any page, which just gives a list of threads containing new posts since your IP's last visit here. It's real easy to miss which forum the threads are actually in, which is why I don't use that function of the site, preferring instead to always click my way through the various forums to avoid exactly what happened here because of an innocent mistake.

The other way is harder to avoid if you're on a tablet or smartphone. It's harder to navigate on a small device, and I think TapaTalk and other apps automatically load new posts rather than the Top Forum anyway, though I can't say that for sure because I almost never visit this site on my phone, and I don't own a tablet. I have however, seen the same kind of misunderstanding arise when people don't realize what sub-forum they're in because of being on a tablet or smartphone. It's a rather common occurrence as at least two out of nine posts in this thread demonstrate.

Otherwise, it seems the OP found the answers he was looking for by going to the source, which would always be preferable to taking the word of anonymous posters on a gun forum anyway.

Stay safe out there. Arguments can arise from some truly trivial bullchit, and it might just arise from taking a wrong turn and not knowing where you are. Oh! The humanity!

WV residents who want to carry legally in the 36 other states that honor the WV permit - will want the permit. The permit process HAS NOT CHANGED one bit. There IS a $50.00 TAX CREDIT offered to WV residents who get a permit AFTER the effective date of the bill (June 5, 2016). The "Constitutional Carry" is ONLY good inside the State of WV - both for residents and non-residents alike. That's HUGE, since WV would not - and still will not - issue permits to non-residents.

Yes, Anvil6 has it correct. The WV permit process has not changed, and a permit is still required to concealed carry out of state in the states that recognize the West Virginia permit. As additional information, I live in a city on the Ohio River, and am constantly traveling back and forth between Ohio and West Virginia. Without a permit, I would be carrying illegally every time I cross the river into Ohio, since Ohio will only allow me to concealed carry with a permit from West Virginia.
Just heard today that Lancaster County, PA Sheriffs Department will no longer be issuing Non-Resident PA CC Permits after the end of the month. Don't know why. Sounds to me like somebody in a higher up position has issued a thumbs down on NR Permit issuance. If anyone has any official information I'd like to know. I and almost all Delaware permit holders go there for their PA NR permits. They've always been great to deal with, and very efficient, friendly and courteous.
. . . It's harder to navigate on a small device, and I think TapaTalk and other apps automatically load new posts rather than the Top Forum anyway, though I can't say that for sure because I almost never visit this site on my phone, and I don't own a tablet. I have however, seen the same kind of misunderstanding arise when people don't realize what sub-forum they're in because of being on a tablet or smartphone. It's a rather common occurrence as at least two out of nine posts in this thread demonstrate....
I use TapaTalk on my phone for this forum, and yes, it has a much more streamlined, less detailed, look than what I see of this forum on my MacBookPro.
Lancaster County Sheriff Reese has reversed his decision and will continue to issue PA non-resident CC permits.

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