What's the worst POS firearm you have ever owned?

Bersa Thunder .380 Duotone. No I didn't limp wrist it, I have been firing Semiautos for over 50 years now (30 years in USMC) and in competition. Fired from a rock solid Isoceles two handed position, it still was a jam-a-matic. Sent it back twice for fixing and it still did it. I was finally told that it was ammo-sensitive and that I would have to stick to specific loads. As everybody knows , .380 ammo became more scarce than 100 carat diamonds and I couldn't get those specific loads.

I finally traded it in on a S&W 637, which now my "bathrobe gun." It fires anything and everything and if I do get a "click" I can just pull the trigger again!

Several decades ago I went through the same experience with a stainless steel Interarms PPK. I'm sorry, but I personnaly just don't have any confidence in .380s anymore.

If you read the owners forums representing any manufacturer that comes to mind , you'll find they all make guns that do not work. I don't care if it's a $2500 1991 or a unheard of special that went out the door at $125. I have 17 handguns currently and 2 of them are not reliable. I won't sell them, fearing someone may depend on the gun saving thier life. Name a brand and most will say how thier gun never fails, but there will be somebody thoroughly peeved with the manufacturer. Whatever you carry, make sure it works and practice safely.
I think you missed the "or" between cocked & locked or DAO.

Agreed, NDS. I am often surprised at the number of pro gun people that I speak with who get a little "iffy" on gun ownership by the poor. It seems that, for many, being poor (and heaven forbid one is also black) somehow negates the right for self-protection that the other citizens in this country exercise. Coming from extremely modest circumstances (people don't even believe me when I relate the realities of an impoverished, rural lifestyle), I am here to say that, though poor, we were not criminals, and we did not love our families any less than a middle class does. In fact, the harsh nature of poverty probably made us closer, if anything.

If you read the owners forums representing any manufacturer that comes to mind , you'll find they all make guns that do not work. I don't care if it's a $2500 1911 or a unheard of special that went out the door at $125. I have 17 handguns currently and 2 of them are not reliable. I won't sell them, fearing someone may depend on the gun saving thier life. Name a brand and most will say how thier gun never fails, but there will be somebody thoroughly peeved with the manufacturer. Whatever you carry, make sure it works and practice safely.

+1 on both of these comments..

Some people use ownership of items to make themselves better than others.. I run into the same mentality in the motorcycle world.. "I own a XXXXXX, therefore I'm a better person than you"..

What you are able to own (or the bank lets you use) does not make you a better person in any way...
Your character and how you treat others is what makes make you a better or worse person...

Also, sometimes these cheaper manufacturers have some trouble when they 1st get started and improve their product over time, but they never seem to get past the reputation of their 1st gen productions.. YET other companies like Glock and Kahr and S&W (which are all mentioned in this thread) can produce guns with issues and people will beat you down for speaking badly of their favored brand.. In addition some of those Top shelf brands can be a PITA (Pain in the A) to work with, where some of the cheaper brands can have wonderful customer service..

I am fortunate not to have ever owned a POS gun, not to say that I've never had an issue, but I was able to quickly resolve the issue if needed... I hope my luck continues.. But a nice list like this gives me some ideas to keep in mind if I start looking again.. Thanx for your input and for starting the thread..
First POS we owned was a SCCY 9mm, safety flipped itself on literaly from just firering the gun, shop gave me another 30-40 rds thru it and safety falls off, last one was a Kahr CW 45 felt good shot ok for about hafe the mag and the takedown pin would try to come out, turned out it was a freak thing retention spring was bad, still when agun does that or anything like it its tough to trust after that
First POS we owned was a SCCY 9mm, safety flipped itself on literaly from just firering the gun, shop gave me another 30-40 rds thru it and safety falls off,

Rocketgeezer - You are absolutely correct.

However -

This was the major issue with earlier S/N's of the SKYY and SCCY (There was a name change).
SCCY have an improvement Safety kit they will send to any SCCY owner for free. This greatly improves the Safety.. It is VERY easy to replace the parts.

They also have a Safety elimination kit as many people don't believe you need a safety on a DAO pistol.

SCCY has wonderful customer service and is great to work with.

IF you purchase a SCCY with S/N 30,000 or above, the Improvement kit is already installed.
I was given a Bryco Arms 9mm. After I shot it I found out why it was given to me. It would jam EVERY THREE ROUNDS!!!! Major POS! I took it to a buy back and they gave me $50.00. Used that $50.00 as my layaway down payment on a used Ruger 10/22.
Rocketgeezer - You are absolutely correct.

However -

This was the major issue with earlier S/N's of the SKYY and SCCY (There was a name change).
SCCY have an improvement Safety kit they will send to any SCCY owner for free. This greatly improves the Safety.. It is VERY easy to replace the parts.

They also have a Safety elimination kit as many people don't believe you need a safety on a DAO pistol.

SCCY has wonderful customer service and is great to work with.

IF you purchase a SCCY with S/N 30,000 or above, the Improvement kit is already installed.

Hoot, the funny thing was my wife and I liked the gun for the way it would shoot, carry, accuracy was fine for that type of gun, and with the updated parts installed I'm sure it would make a fine CCW, BUT, with the problems we had, I dont care if I were givin a new SCCY asembled by the company CEO himself and hand delivered to my door, with 500 rds of ammo, free, I WOULD NEVER, EVER TRUST THAT WEAPON for concealed carry, now if someone want a inexpensive 9mm to shoot paper, as long as the price reflected it, get one and some Wally World ammo and wear it out, but for the price we were charged I would sooner get a PT-709 much better quality weapon for about the same money, that being said if I could get another in the $200 dollar range I would, if for nothing else but to have another range gun
Worst POS firearm

I bought a 1st generation Taurus PT145 used,wouldn't feed or eject all the time,the dealer sent it back to Taurus,got it back in a month.Taurus said it was fixed,went to the range and it wouldn't even feed ball ammo.My dealer took it back,I took a little loss and I've stayed away from Taurus ever since.

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